This person is actually sick. From the mental health point of view.
All the previous reviews on him are true, unfortunately.
This person was "coming" for the orientation since June and till September 2021.
This whole period every 2 weeks he was asking if he can start and on the day of the orientation he would disappear and next day text some silly excuse such as (help mom, argument with siblings, car broke, dad died, sick friends, got in the fight, headache, stomachache, pains in the leg, covid, forgot, saw something in the woods, had second thoughts, heard his own thoughts). Anyways, it was a lot of fun guys.
Of course, no one even planned to hire him after the first no show, but we still kept answering his texts every 2 weeks, agreeing to meet him at the office "tomorrow". He became some kind of the office legend here, that there is such guy Gary Vandenbosch somewhere in some mental asylum who somehow stole the phone from the nurse and now texting people that he is a truck driver.
But as everything in life, even something that good, has to come to an end at some point.
He was blocked and forgotten. And that was the end of the legend of Gary.
I'm afraid this person might be dangerous for himself or others.
Contact him at your own risk.