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Everything posted by Jimmyx

  1. Came home for the home time, informed, that will come back on the road, but was not picking up the phone to anybody and was not answering to text massages. He dropped the truck and the trailer in the street. Don't hire such person- he is unreliable driver.
  2. Dropped a truck without any warning OAMB
  3. Driver went through the hiring process and agreed to start. And then disappeared without notice. Do not waste your time and resources.
  4. Jimmyx

    Jamy Mayer

  5. During orientation was everything fine. Just got on the truck asked for cash advance, started to use crazy language. We gave him cash advance, finnaly in a several weeks got fired, because got really crazy on the road. Stole BOLs.
  6. Jimmyx

    Juan Ojeda

    Not a good experience with this guy. Signed up to do local with us and every day home which was challenging enough. Would refuse any loads less than 3 dollars a mile which we can work with although challenging. The bad part happened when he decided to quit our company and not tell us for 1 week which is fine but he was complaining why he was charged insurance for sitting home for a week. Also he calculated that we owe him detention and money for some loads that the broker didn't pay us detention and on one of them he was outright refused due to the shipper not accepting his trailer which again we were not paid for. He said to pay him for all of that $550 dollars or he would not return our equipment and trailer back to us. After coming to the yard and leaving trailer finally after 2 weeks he asked for his check which came out to be less than what he was asking because we told him. We are booking you loads as an owner operator and taking a percentage, if customer doesn't pay or broker then we will not pay out of pocket, he insisted that we pay so in the end he threw the check back at us and left without giving us back the fuel card and ELD. Would not recommend this owner operator.
  7. Was driving with us for a few months. Everything seemed good, there were no any indications that there might be a problem. Suddenly he stopped answering the phone, we sent another driver to check the truck and we found it empty and abandoned with the loaded trailer. We had to send someone to recover the load.
  8. Dropped a truck without any warning OAMB
  9. Turned around and deadheaded home, abandoning the units and LOADED trailer thousands of miles away from the yard. Was not cooperating, and his only response was that he quit and not to contact him again.
  10. Did a drug test. Never shoved up
  11. Abandoned truck in KY... drove 1000 miles home empty for emergency family situation and never returned the truck back. We had to recover it after 1 week sitting there.
  12. Abandoned equipment and loaded trailer!!! Didn't reply or answer to calls, then started texting to accounting, asking for money payout in advance, and when they pay him then he will deliver load. At first seemed as nice guy, later showed real face.
  13. DO NOT HIRE!!!! Stole the trk. Tried to sold the product. Sold 2 pallets. Was high when police got him arrested. Be careful
  14. Dropped a truck without any warning OAMB
  15. Bad communication, always driving until empty tank of fuel, always late to deliveries, when driver was terminated, he left surprise in our truck and after that was sending nasty messages.
  16. Driver went home, abandoned the truck. ***DO NOT HIRE***
  17. Didn't get on a plane before orientation
  18. His name is Hector A. Sanchez from FL CDL but likes to go by Alex. The driver started very well but when we started deducting the money he owed the company he started having an issue and opted by leaving the company. All the deductions were repair charges that he requested EFS for (such as tires, PM Service, vehicle maintenance, negative statements because he choose not to drive and etc). He returned the truck with 7 bad tires, damaged bumper and left the company owing money. When he needed the money to fix the equipment to continue driving we were good people but when it was time to deduct what he owed us from the statement we were the bad guys! He was driving a step deck where he removed the tool box and the equipment with no authorization and things he never paid for! Value of the equipment alone is $3,354.84. Without counting the repairs the trailer and tractor needs and the 7 tires that needs to be replaced !!!! BE AWARE!
  19. Dropped a truck without any warning OAMB
  20. One of the worst drivers we had. 200-300 miles MAX is what he did in a TRANSIT DAY. Deadheaded about 500 miles to the yard, with disconnected eld and left the units at the yard. One of the worst looking cabin's I've seen in a while. Full of trash, awful condition. Too slow and way too lazy. Not profitable.
  21. Abandoned truck and trailer across country. Sounds nice at first but then does whatever he wants and then just abandoned the equipment. Stay away!
  22. Drives on his own schedule. Randomly decides to go home without any approval. Never leaves on time after home time. No 2 weeks notice. Constantly sleeping and tired. Dropped the truck and was gone.
  23. came to orientations, bought him a flight ticket and he left with out an explanation. Highly recommend to avoid
  24. Overall good driver, but after a year in the company, secretly closed the deal with another company and left without giving two weeks notice. Used sick father excuse to make a brake of three weeks, got the checks and never came back. If hiring him, escrow charge is a must so things like this are prevented!
  25. MCKEITHAN ROCKY made only 1 load and then went home without permission and stayed there for 4 days. On Monday 2/5/2024 he told us that he doesn't want to work for us and going to drive empty directly to Chicago from North Carolina. Then he decided that he wouldn't work for us because of the waiting time for 1 week of his paycheck and because we were not going to buy a ticket for a back home trip. We use a factoring service and have the first paycheck in 2 weeks and we never buy a back home ticket if a driver were fired or quit without 2 weeks notice. So he abandoned a Truck in the dirt, in a small village, in the middle of nowhere. He did not answer calls and messages for 6 hours until we threatened to report the truck theft to the police. Only after that, he sent the address of the truck in a message. Never ever work with this person and his friend HOLSHOUSER HARLAND who abandoned his truck at the same location and time.
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