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Everything posted by Jimmyx

  1. Jimmyx

    Alex Tesla

    Big problems. Never hire this driver.
  3. Driver Todd Belton had a load from Gulfport, MS to Chicago, IL which he failed to pick up and proceeded to drive empty for about 900 miles. Dropped our trailer in the terminal and then proceeded to drive up about 50 miles north where he ransacked and dropped our truck. Upon entering the vehicle where it was left, a very potent smell of marijuana was present, so we have the ground to believe that the driver operated our vehicle under the influence of drugs or other substances. The driver's seat was unbolted from the ground, with the airline connections as well as electrical plugs ripped off. The inverter that was installed behind the seat was stolen, along with the refrigerator and even the mattress is missing, with some liquid spilled all over the bed frame. The driver tried to remove the original radio as well, damaged it, and rendered it useless. The lane assist sensor cover was damaged and missing. The antenna cable running to the driver-side mirror has been damaged and ripped off as well. We are missing our I-Pass Transponder as well as fuel cards and 2 truck keys. Do not hire the driver.
  4. One of the worst ones. Not reliable, worst safety experience what I saw in all these years. In 6 months got into two accidents. Nothing much to say, will add pictures.
  5. Damaged our equipment, refused to pay deductible and quit without notice, VERY RUDE GUY, be aware guys
  6. Don't bother with this driver he did pre employment was supposed to fly out here 4/13 and never showed up. Waste of time and $$
  7. After a month working in our company, driver just disappeared, can't reach him for more then a week. Abandoned the truck, stole tablet and mattress.
  8. This guy is completely crazy!
  9. Stay away from her and her husband, worked for us only one week and dropped equipment in TN, with no reason............
  10. Called about position and went through our hiring process. When it came time to fly him down here he never made his flight. When we called to see what happened he had an excuse and said he was able to get the flight ticket we bought him switched to a different day. Never ended up showing up.
  11. This guy is not for over the road, slow and under 500mi average per day. Beside that he is ready to load a truck and left loaded truck over 1000mi away from delivery without warning. My suggestion is to avoid this driver.
  12. Very bad driver. He was riding in a truck with a four year old child, knowing that it was forbidden. After we picked up truck, he threatened several times to all the employees.
  13. totally unsafe ,we have calls from drivers all the time about her crazy driving.Psyho attitude damages every other week and she is never at fault !!!!Probably mental issues .Trying to get our truck back from her !!!!
  14. Brakes ELD LOG rules , seems DOT rules does not exist to him, has a bad temper , possible using drugs ,hard to leave after home time usually keeps truck for an extra week with lame excuses , previously had drug violations over operating a vehicle .....
  15. Attitude. Several complains about nasty language. Ignoring phone calls. Refusing to PU loads. Stolen loaded truck with trailer and load. Police found a truck.
  16. driver was 12 hours late to dollar general, they said come back tomorrow and he abandoned the loaded trailer with 2 more stops and texted he quit
  17. Jimmyx

    Cody Avila

    Was ok local driver for a month. Got Cell phone and improper moving violation month after.. Paid by an hour, still always in rush. Damaged couple trailers in the yard. Start disappearing without any notice. Was caught doing drugs while on duty.. We just let him go
  18. He is not a bad person he just doesn't know how to drive. Before we hired him we got information from his previous companies that he had around 7 small accidents, non dot recordable ones. Anyways we ended up hiring him, long story short before he even picked up the first load he damaged the trailer and we had to terminate him.
  19. DO NOT HIRE !!! Worked only a couple of weeks. Waste of time, complaining about EVERYTHING, thinks he is the mastermind of the world, and nobody else knows nothing. Left the truck at the shop, near his house, stole the mattress. Left the trailer at a truck stop. Had to send another driver to recover the truck an the trailer.
  20. We gave him a chance Return to Duty. After he completed SAP course, we sent him for Return to Duty Drug test. The Drug test came POSITIVE. Hopeless....
  21. We pay hotel for 3 days and his Pre- employment drug test come positive.
  22. Abandoned truck in a different. His number is ***-***-0606. Stay the hell away.
  23. will quit at spot , hard to deal , have deal where he needs to fill diesel , calling that he is almost empty tank in the middle of OREGON , like 1 week rookie
  24. Damages to the truck after first trip. Did not report the incident. Doesn't know what happened, when and where. Taking days off whenever he feels like it. Refusing loads. Terminated after 2 weeks. Threats with Labor Department and FMCSA when short pay because of damages.
  25. Worked with us 2 weeks, falsified his employment application at the beginning. Then quit under dispatch, we had to find another driver to make a load delivery. Unreliable driver.
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