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Everything posted by RTSpro

  1. He is mentally unstable person, took the truck and trailer drop it off at unknown location without starting his first load. He was changing his starting date few times. Also sending private videos to employees. We had very unpleasant time with him. Not worth wasting your time! Do not hire !!!
  2. This guy is a tool! We bought him a plane ticket to come for orientation and he was trying to get money for his cell bill. He never got on the plane.
  3. As someone who has had the unfortunate experience of working with Mr. Farah, I feel it is my duty to inform others of his gross negligence and theft while in our employment. Mr. Farah was driving a company truck which he just left while under load, never to return. Company property was stolen, including a GPS navigation unit, a mattress, and few other items. Based on my experience with Mr. Farah, I strongly advise against hiring him. His actions were completely unacceptable. I urge you to take my words seriously and exercise extreme caution before considering Mr. Farah as a driver in your company. Not only did Mr. Farah breach the trust that our company placed in him, but he also demonstrated a complete lack of respect for company property.
  5. Quite often was not available on the phone, neither we nor the brokers could get him on the phone, because of that most of our loads were late and destroyed our image in front of the brokers and customers. He constantly lied that his truck broke down so he wouldn't drive, he showed disrespect to after hours and the other employees, he purposely messed up the clock just so he wouldn't drive. Sometimes he was stopping in weird places like shady motels or buildings. He was stealing FUEL on top of everything. At the end, after receiving a termination letter, he tried to stealing our truck from shop. On his background he was in max security prison for 57 months. Definitely not recommended for hiring, please stay away from this driver.
  6. Driver did a lease purchase with us. After about a week he decided to not answer any calls or text messages. He said he would bring the truck back and he never did he abandoned the truck. This guy is worthless. Do not hire him anywhere or waist your time!
  7. Was home for the weekend. Reported a family emergency Monday morning. Picked up the load Tuesday morning and went back home. At midnight reported that he lost his truck keys. We had a spear on the truck. After we advised where it was hidden. He said key was not there. Lied about getting a key made a locksmith shop as instructed. Confirmed with the locksmith shop he never showed up. We towed the truck to the local shop were we found the ignition switch disconnected. Shop fixed the truck. This guy showed up at the shop and tried to unplug the ignition switch again and the mechanic couth him. Offered mechanic money not to repot this to the company. Wanted to stall till Friday to get paid for the previous week. Also damaged the truck. Broke the side fairings on both sides. Ran into something cracked the oil pan bent the steering arm.
  8. ok driver, we had no problems with him
  9. Please do not hire he did not give 2 week notice not driving hard to work with. Canceling loads. Report him on fhat web site. No answering calls from office. Taking truck home without permission. He is a very irresponisble driver and not wanting to do better. He also damaged the equipment and did not report it to the company he will cost you great damage please avoid.
  10. Do not hire this one. Steals fuel left and right, no mercy. When he was cough abandoned trailer in Phoenix AZ, and truck in Saint Louis MO. Disconnected ELD to hide both, likely we have separate GPS on both units.
  11. The driver was approved and said he could arrive in a few days. The ticket was purchased, and then 5 minutes later, he said he found another job. Seems to jump from one place to another.. Don't waist your time
  12. Horrible driver he started arguing with the dispath from the first load and he abandon the truck after he picked up his second load in Cleveland.
  13. The driver kept a good communication at the beginning. After he completed the Drug test he disappeared. One week later he showed up asking for a flight ticket and stating that he is ready to start as soon as possible. After we told him that we can only reimburse him for the flight ticket he decided that we are a bad company and we don't care about the drivers.
  14. Lives in Carlinville, IL Worked for about a month Abandoned a loaded truck Damaged windshield
  15. He is bad driver left the truck and never picked up the phone, also dishonest
  16. Abandoned truck in MS after the first load. Did not complain about anything here in the office, liked the truck, didn't express any concerns. After he dropped his first load he just texted us that he is leaving the truck and trailer on a gas station in MS. He blocked all our numbers too.
  17. Vanishes under load, won't drive in the wind, as soon as a flurry falls it's an issue. Also wont communicate and rarely on time.
  18. Worked for a week and abandoned the truck for no reason. To be fair he did bring equipment back to terminal. He demanded to be paid immediately, what we did, I don’t want to argue with a maniac. Just leave! Good bye to you and good luck! Seemed OK at first but showed mental illness real quick. He missed every single turn and every single stop sign. He gets out from interstate just to make U-turns and go back to interstate. Seems like he is lost in time and space. I asked him couple of times what is he doing with the truck because log book keeps sending me rough turns and sudden stops notifications. Most likely he quit because of that.
  20. At the first meeting, he is very friendly. Then he behaves inappropriately, threatens, shouts. Mentally ill person. Stole a truck, blackmailed, threatened. Under no circumstances hire him.
  21. Very irresponsible driver. Made damages to the customer, denied. Then decided to go home for Holidays, we agreed. Lost fuel cards on purpose to get EFS codes for fuel, cashed the money, took equipment from the truck, dropped the trailer separately from the truck in different state and left for home. Truck outside was kinda ok, but inside looked like a place where 5 pigs were living in one truck cabin. Do not recommend to hire.
  22. Quit under dispatch. Was under a load on his way, turned around and came back to yard and abandoned it. Made up an excuse that it is a family emergency and then bragged to his buddies how he just don't give a f**** (see picture).
  23. do not hire, the driver is a liar, he came to our company and after a few tours went home to Florida, parked the truck and the trailer and never answered the phone again, we had to send another driver to recover a truck
  25. Very irresponsible driver. He was approved within 1 day of processing and set up the orientation in 2 days. We buy him a plane ticket and book a hotel room for him, waste almost $1000 on him just for his job and opportunity. Don't even process him, he is wasting money and time
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