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Everything posted by RTSpro

  1. Can`t comment on his performance as he never actually worked for us. Kept applying and disappearing on numerous occasions. Has attitude issues.
  2. RTSpro

    Tim Hensen

    Abandoned the truck! Out of blue, missed the appointment and never responded to our calls.
  3. Worked for us for 6 weeks abandoned the truck and blocked everyone in the office SAVE YOURSELF THE TROUBLE NO GOOD
  4. drop truck in middle of nowhere
  5. Do yourselves a huge favor and stay away from this driver. He seems nice at first, but as soon as he starts driving – you will notice what kind of trouble this guy is. To make a long story short: he can’t drive a lot of miles, never sends BOLs, does not know how to do his log books and on top of that abandoned our truck, damaged trailer and stole GPS.
  6. Fill up the paperwork , went to the entire hiring process, although he was very rude to everyone we still decided to hire him . When we got him the first load he didn’t showed up . Told us he doesn’t feels like starting today and he will start next week . Next week he wont answer his phone anymore
  7. Aaron was hard to deal with, occasionally not answering the phone under dispatch, arguing, not listening to anybody and not respecting policy. Last thing that got him discharged was that he picked up a lady, co driver, supposed to drive in a team, they picked up a load in florida, after that he parked behind Pepsi warehouse and stayed there 2 days, both of them didnt answer phones, we called police, when police came, then Aaron called and was acting like nothing happened. We managed to bring him to the office and terminate him, which he didnt accept good and was giving very bad looks to employees and giving small threats. Be very carefull when hiring this guy or if not necessary, dont hire him at all
  8. Safety violations, accidents, abandoned truck, and generally mentally unstable.
  9. This guy really is a scammer! He worked for 3 weeks, all good, then he took 2 weeks off, called on a Thursday to ask for a cash advance so that he can start on Friday. He took the cash advance and never came to work. He ignored our calls after that as well. DON'T HIRE HIM.
  10. booking his own loads
  11. RTSpro

    Cory Major

    Team driver with his wife they are always fighting each other. They had 2 major accidents on the road. never on the phone when needed. Do not hire!
  12. Trash , waste of time ! Pick up load and drove 500 miles oposite direction to his home , doesn't answer the phone big loss of time
  13. He seems very nice while talking over the phone. This driver said that he would be coming on a Monday, then sent a text saying that he can not make it because his house caught on fire. Two days later he called and said that he was able to take care of his house and that now he can come to work with us. We bought him a ticket but he did not appear. We called him but he blocked all of our numbers. Don't waste time on him, he is a scammer that just wants to take advantage of the company. We wasted money on his plane ticket.
  14. RTSpro

    Luc Mere

    he has his own MC, booking load for his own MC saying going home, but using company truck for his load, we checked gps road he made pu then delivery, when we find out he took truck as hostage, police were involved in this terrible case
  15. Stay away from him. Don't get fooled. Seem very nice and polite until you put him in the truck. Always late , ALWAYS! Ruined relationship with brokers. Tons of requests. Lie after lie... Too much drama with driver.
  16. Driver committed to coming for Orientation. Spent over $500 on Travel. He used the travel to head over to a different company for a LP opportunity. Due to legal reasons- I can not disclose too much, DRIVER IS A LIAR and A WASTE OF RESOURCES/TIME
  17. This guy its a drug addict ,he is picking up a load and he is all over the place looking for drugs ,needs cash advance all the time. He abandoned trailer on toll road and he left to buy drugs ,I caught him with a towing ,blocking his exit . Be careful
  18. Abandoned truck and trailer in the middle of nowhere and did answer phone calls or texts. Had to go recover the truck.
  19. Has experience on file but cannot drive a semi truck. Doing damage all the time, does not report. Later received few liability claims from third parties because of the damage this driver did to other trucks, shippers and receivers. Irresponsible. Do not hire this driver if you do not want damages. Finally, I left the truck in a different state than our yard and left the job. Truck and trailer came back to the yard with unreported damages.
  20. Scammer and lier. Twice we changed flight tickets to accommodate him. He said he was at the airport, but he never checked in. Kept saying wanted to start asap and really needed a job. Not reliable. We lost money and time on him.
  21. Not worth it. Poor communication with office staff. Damages to the truck, trailer, freight. Hit a light pole in the parking. Over $4000 in repairs. Driver was fired after last incident.
  22. I work with him for maybe six months. Did the damage to the truck and blamed the dispatcher. For that. When it's time to come back to work after home time, I hear excuses (cousin got shot, a family from Wisconsin is visiting him etc.) Not the worst driver I've ever worked with, but I would hire him again—just way too much drama.
  23. Home time required every second day. Fell asleep while driving, ran into road guard. Refused to do drug test. DO NOT HIRE!
  24. Janet is a big time waister. I Would not even consider hiring this driver.
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