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Everything posted by RTSpro

  1. AVOID AT ANY COST !!!! Total waste of time and resources, this person is unreliable at best. First you will need to schedule him a drug test 3,4 times, because he can never make it on time, then he wont fly, so he will ask for a bus ticket that he will never use and ghost you afterwards.
  2. Driver Quit Under a Dispatch, Will Not Rehire
  3. This driver is very very very irresponsible. Bad things started from the first day of his employment. We bought him several flight tickets but he didn't take those flights. He was making stories and it was obvious that he is lying. We needed a driver really bad at that moment. When he came, he got a brand new truck, left the terminal, took his first load, and disappeared. Loaded truck was left in truck stop not far away from the shipper. He was not picking up his phone, not replying to messages. After a day of him being gone we sent another driver to check if everything was ok. The truck was totaly molested. Fuse box empty, wires cut all around the truck. I don't have any explanation why he did that because he seemed like a cool guy in the beginning. But it turned out that this driver is unpredictable. I'm looking in to 20k estimate for repairs at the moment and I can't believe what happened. Guys keep away from this driver! !
  4. Poor communication and not reliable. We bought him a ticket to fly from Texas to us just like was agreed him to come here and to start driving for our company . He didn't board on the plane and he didn't even bother to let us know he is not coming. He will just waste your time and money !
  5. ABONDED TRUCK AND TRAILER!! Was keeping the truck 2weeks with one load and art the end driver abounded the truck together with a trailer that was loaded!
  6. Legitimately- Worst waste of time and energy. plays too many mind games. Originally bought a flight to orientation. missed it. Apoligized and ask for another shot. Then we did. Then acts like he was brand new like we have never spoken. As a human and a person in this industry- I am warning you not to waste your time with such person.
  7. His brother was employed with us and left the truck on our yard twice without a notice. Andre claimed he is not like his brother and he is taking this job seriously. Well, he did the same thing, just texted me he left the truck at the parking lot. I told him we don't have any spots available and that we don't own the parking so he needs to move the truck to another safe location. He said this is not his responsibility and just left. Complains he gets no money, but he doesn't drive at all, he is home more than he drives.
  8. This driver left loaded truck and trailer and sent email that he quits. Do not trust this driver. He blocked our company phone to avoid calls from dispatchers. We have paid hotel, orientation, drug test the ticket and he just left the truck not even called to say that he sent email. However, it turned out to be a complete waste of our time and money. STAY AWAY
  9. Abandoned truck in Bishopville, SC. Was driving around with his kids in the truck without any approval. Always is running out of money, constant cash advances. Stay away.
  10. Stay away from hiring this driver. While he passed pre-employment drug test with us, after two weeks he tried to get hired at different company. He failed pre- employment drug test. We did not know about it, until he was pulled over for DOT inspection in Ohio. We never had experience with positive test result so we found company and paid for his Return-to-duty, and later deducted from a check in order to help him out. One Friday night, while he was in the truck not able to drive anywhere (because in process of Return-to Duty), he was trying to run away home to South Carolina (bobtail). We called but he did not pick up the phone, when a text was sent to him that we going to call cops, he called us back and said " no cops please", he was already 100 miles out from his location where he had to stay in OH. He drove back there and completed the process. He worked for couple more weeks, but in the end abandoned the truck with a load. Delivery was supposed to be on Monday, but he said he would drive on Thursday. The load can not be late that many days! Tried to lie about his child having Covid, and he needed to be in the hospital, but could not show any proof of that. Even broker told me that he was not in the hospital( because broker had him on tracking for this load). Stephon brought too many safety violation points for the company and abandoned truck with a load. He likes talking on Facetime and calls you non stop. If you ready to have your company's safety record killed, and talk to him non stop, track his every step, because he uses truck as a personal vehicle when he gets back home, go ahead, otherwise STAY AWAY from this driver- nothing else but TROUBLE.
  11. Stole the truck with the load on his second load. Told me "This is not my first rodeo" demanding money. We recovered the truck with a few pallets of beer missing in Memphis TN. The new truck was completley trashed, he stole the radio and the tablet as well... This guy is definetley on something.
  12. Keep away from this guy, he is missing something in his head so SKIP him and save time
  13. Driver was cought stealing fuel
  14. Truly an animal. Only drove for a month and when he went home, got hooked up on drugs and drove the truck under a low bridge, and then started to demand money to release the truck. The damage was already done, the inside of the truck was a mess and dirty and disgusting. Hes truly an animal, and not a human being.
  16. Not responsible at all !!!!!!!!!!
  17. Pretty shady driver. He would be extremely nice if he needs something but in fact he is just using you. Reliable only when he wants to be and without any respect for the people he works with. Truck maintenance or even PM is something he do not care about and expects office personnel to do it for him. He is familiar with HOS Regulations but only when he needs to take advantage of them. Would NOT hire unless you want bad service and poor safety rating.
  18. Very rude driver, does not get along with any office staff, all dispatchers are bad, when getting bunch of violations on the road tries hide that from safety, when safety finding out and calling driver to ask what happened, his answer is "if you don't like what happened I can go drive for another company, i don't care what you think"... Driving on the 3rd restricted lane and speeding 15miles over, with expired registration card because he could not find a printer and print... And this guy barely has 1 year experience. Imagine him few years later? Terminated immediately. Can not afford to collect these violations.
  19. sounds very good over the phone ,everything went smooth and she came for orientation and got a load ,then the issues started -constantly late for deliveries and always have an excuse.Came to Chicago on a simple 2 drop load, got stuck in a dead end street in South Side when the delivery was in Joliet ("because her GPS malfunctioned") needed 2 local drivers to go close a street and back up the truck 1/2 mile to get it on the correct route.She started crying /went to the yard so we can have her road tested and she admitted that she never backed herself and always asked other drivers to do it /anyway just not worth the effort to hire her
  20. One of the driver.. From day one, all went well.. few late deliveries, well anything can happen. But once non stop lies begging, we started to feel some bad things.. non stop trash talk from him.. After 2 weeks on road every second load he was late.. and always he had explain for that .. no nothing about ELD.. But that was not the worst thing.. he asked to go home, said he is felling sick.. (don't thinks so now..), ok we send him towards home. Spend there almost 2 weeks.. and every day he said, will come bad tomorrow, witch never did.. and once we tried to get back our truck, he started to threatened us.. With all possible ways.. use his gun event to threatened a towing company.. So if trucking is boring for you, good luck with this "Driver"
  21. From the start it was complicated. Had no money and had to help him all the way to our location. Once he arrived stories started. He said he owned America along with his wife in Saudi Arabia. Talked to himself and made off the wall comments nobody could understand. As he got started it went south fast. He would drive OOR miles and do as he pleased without updating Dispatch. Over a thousand miles OOR with in 6 days. He was heading home and was pulled over for speeding. He made threats to cops and a tazor gun was pulled on him. He refused to get out of the truck and told an officer if he knew what was good for him he would walk away from the truck and leave him alone. The cops were very professional and didn't lock him up. After speaking to the police we brought him back to the yard ASAP and released him. Had cops on stand by. Was a bad experience for all parties involved. We don't recommend him driving on the road with this condition he's suffering.
  22. Driver was scedualed for orientation and sent a plane ticket, flew in and bailed at airport
  23. He was driving for our company for 2 months(lease to purchuse) and constantly making a good paychecks. But after 2 months there was a small issue with the truck needed to be fixed and he left our truck in Texas under the load. Not proffesional, don't hire him!!!
  24. He was driving for a few weeks then decided to go home. We couldn't get him out. He didn't want to drive. At the end he came back to drop the truck and left. Then he called again in 2 weeks we decided to give him a second chance because he wanted to be an owner and do the lease. he leased the truck, went home and same thing. We couldn't get him out. At the end we had to recover the truck. You just can't trust this guy at all.
  25. Driver would never do pre trip inspections. Brought back 9 violations in ONE inspection. Received numerous complaints about speeding and unsafe driving. Let the driver wait in the truck while he figured out what he wanted to do. Came back to the truck to find urine poured all over the inside of the truck. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND TO HIRE
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