His name is Hector A. Sanchez from FL CDL but likes to go by Alex. The driver started very well but when we started deducting the money he owed the company he started having an issue and opted by leaving the company. All the deductions were repair charges that he requested EFS for (such as tires, PM Service, vehicle maintenance, negative statements because he choose not to drive and etc). He returned the truck with 7 bad tires, damaged bumper and left the company owing money. When he needed the money to fix the equipment to continue driving we were good people but when it was time to deduct what he owed us from the statement we were the bad guys! He was driving a step deck where he removed the tool box and the equipment with no authorization and things he never paid for! Value of the equipment alone is $3,354.84. Without counting the repairs the trailer and tractor needs and the 7 tires that needs to be replaced !!!! BE AWARE!