Joseph is one of the biggest liars you could find in the trucking industry. He will try selling you the same story, where his previous employer either went bankrupt or didn’t pay him. Thus, he is beyond broke and he could use some financial assistance to get to the office.
We didn’t pay for him to come to the office. However, he tried multiple times to get us pay upfront for his trip – to make an exception for him. Joseph came across as very polite; always saying yes sir and thank you sir. As soon as he came to the office for the orientation he said he was hungry and did not have any money to get any food. We ordered him UberEats. Two hours later he started asking for the cash advance. We got him a hotel room and bought him some food and water. On top of this, we ordered him UberEats couple more times and gave him over $100 in cash. He asked for cash advance again and when we said you need to wait till you start driving at least, he got angry and started saying that his wife will be kicked out on the street unless he comes up with $60. That was our mistake to give him the money again.
As soon as he started driving, he stopped responding to his dispatcher’s calls and texts. The EFS that he received to buy a new GPS was wasted on something else, as he was never able to produce the receipt. He was always late to pick-ups and deliveries. He would disregard his dispatcher’s orders all the time. He kept asking for additional cash advances every single day. It was either his cell phone that needs to be replaced or his wife needs to buy some hygiene products. Joseph would turn off his ELD. He added unnecessary 800 miles on his last delivery because he decided to drive 400 miles home and then came back to the same delivery spot.
The trouble and the headache that this driver caused us is simply not worth it. We would not rehire him!