The driver is unreliable, disrespectful, manipulative, phony, deceiving, and incompetent, and would not recommend trusting this person by any means.
The truck was not brought back by the driver and we had to outsource a person to get the truck back. We had presumptions that from time to time driver was under the influence of intoxicating substances, although tests were showing otherwise, but it was proven when the keys were taken back from him - he was highly intoxicated. The truck found was also left in a complete mess
In addition, the driver was late for 85% of appointment times for the deliveries, not providing a proper reason and always looking for excuses in every situation, complaining about everything. Unprofessional, unpunctual, and ignorant. Lack of common sense and understanding and the way of driving has caused nothing, but loss for the company. Created situation where we had a high chance of receiving Freight Guard report because of the driver's behavior and decision making.