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Everything posted by EmilioR

  1. Driver was very polite and enthusiastic over the phone. Was ready to start asap. But at the end of the day he just scammed us out of the flight ticket and never showed up for the orientation. BE WARY! He really sounds like a solid candidate over the phone.
  2. Truck abandonment.
  3. Let's start , dirty guy this mean very and very , killer of the equipment there is no enough room for all pictures, always inssue ,always compalining about load and everything, you need to send towing everyday , towing guy actually told us to be carefull because he was smoking something there thats why he stock , 2 out of service in 3 days ,bring o lot of violations , police chace him 3 miles he didnt see on the mirror ,like block the road , logbook , the worst driver i ever seen ! do not hire and avoid o lot troubles with this unreal guy
  4. Do not waste your time with him, always complaining about either not enough miles or too many miles, complaining about everything and anything. Late to the Deliveries, Late to the Pick Ups, very disrespectful to the team. He is not eligible to be rehired. Stay away from him.
  5. Driver is not reliable, kept truck and loaded trailer, and didn"t answer the phone for 3 days, we didnt know what was happening, he had to unload the trailer on Monday and made us problems with the broker. Do not lose the time with him, bad attitude and behaviour, 0 respect toward the company
  6. This guy is on drugs, delusional, pathological liar and completely unfit to be on the road. He ran his trailer off the road in PA almost flipped it over the guard rail, racked up a tow bill of 10K. Then unhooked from the trailer at the tow yard, left the loaded trailer there and deadheaded home to Birmingham, AL. Then kept lying that he's bringing the truck back and stole the truck, abandoned it in Indianapolis, IN. Stay away from this driver, he's using something.
  7. BE AVAIRE-very bad experience!!!! From the beginning he was a very nice person, but... when he got on the road, the first thing he asked was to go home. We sent him. Sayed at home for 5 days. After he drove 5 days, then asked to go home for the brothers funeral - stayed at home for 8 days. When we called and asked him when he would be able to start - instead of an answer we got only curses. Abandoned truck in TX with gasoline tanks filled with an unclear liquid. Do not spend your time and money with this person.
  8. Yes, Kiantre did exactly what was written here..I booked a flight - and a day before he stopped responding. Don't waste your time with him
  9. He was a company driver with us untill we realized he is stealing fuel. He would get 3 MPG on midwest area and than 7 MPG in Montana with heavy load. I guess he couldn't sell fuel to anybody in MT. After he was fired, I forgot to deactivate his fuel card and than he stole additonal 750 gallons of fuel (3 transactions of 250 gallons).
  10. Terrible driver, always lying, never arrives on time.
  11. hijacked the truck, treated with DOT, after 2 loads
  12. He was late to delivery and pick up. Had to cancel 5 loads within 2 weeks. He drove the truck from Houston to Vegas just for fun.
  13. The driver was complaining that he doesn't have enough money and that he has a disability, he told us that he wants to drive and make money and that he doesn't have a family. After we helped him to get him hired and after he picked up the first load he started driving towards home , he disconnected the ELD device so we could not track him and told us that he doesn't want to deliver the load and and that he will keep the trailer until we pay him more money. He was threating us with police, freight guard stating that he is good with brokers and that he will destroy our company. He was yelling over the phone and was really rude and basically stole our trailer. AVOID THIS GUY!
  14. Left the trailer at the shipper, stopped answering the calls, shipper towed the trailer, after some time Ronald came up with the story of how he lost his phone and can't go to pick up the trailer because his truck is broken down and he doesn't have money to repair it.
  15. Based on our experience , the Driver lasted in the company about a two weeks , threatened to abandon the truck after 5 mins bc his fuel card was not working and took a week off and complained why his statement was low This driver has a huge attitude, is a pain in the ass to deal with and will just be a headache for your entire company
  16. He is all good up to where he needs to get a plane for orientation. We book him a flight and he called 2 hours before the flight and said he is at the airport, but lied, and never got on the plane! PLEASE DO NOT WASTE MONEY ON HIM, HE IS TERRIBLE
  17. We purchased him plane ticket and Uber from airport to the yard. Flew from Hartford, CT to Chicago. When arrived got into tuck and half an hour later started screaming that he needs to pick up his stuff from another company, got of the truck and disappeared. waste of time and money.
  18. He damaged my truck and he quit.
  19. He is SAP Driver and refused to do follow-up test.
  20. Drove with daughter teams, mentally unstable. Stay away, search up review on Heather Marie Thorpe to see what level of mentally unstable. Funny fact about Mr. Kent, once drove 500 miles in the opposite direction while daughter was sleeping and said to dispatch oooppps got chewed out by daughter for that hiccup.
  21. treated broker, got FG
  22. drop truck with load
  23. Driver came to Chicago ,we paid for his flight from Austin Tx,Uber,food , hotel and drug test.Folowing morning he just disappeard from hotel and for sure went somewhere else.Also when recruiter tried to call him he claimed family emergency .Maybe better cose in long run he would do the same thing on the road with the truck,Do not hire him.
  24. Worst driver ever! he got kicked out from facility at first load being rude. He knows everything but he cant do simple stuff. and threatens everybody with law suits.
  25. Psycho, liar, only cash advances, came back home, stayed for 2 weeks with a lot of excuses, abandoned and left truck. NEVER HIRE!
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