Do not hire this person!!! Waist of time and money beware of this driver!!
At the hiring procedure he was hiring in two companys at one's.
When we hired him and he had to come to the yard- he told that he has no money and asked us to help (he lives in Illinois and company is in Illinois),
so we agreed to help that we will order uber to bring him to the yard and it will be reinburset from first paycheck.
First day at work he called to thank us for nice truck he got, after two hours he already called to office and was asking cash advance for 3000$,
he was even did not startet work and did not took any loads yet. He was told to drive and after two more hours he said to dispatcher that this day he wants to rest and to sleep,at the same time he told to recruiter that he is not getting any loads,but for real he was not taking any loads.
Driver started complain and told us that he is leaving our company and said that he has offer from other company.
He did not got from us cash advance first day and he is looking forword for next company to get cash advanced and will run away!!!
Beware of this driver, he just talking nice, don't make mistake as we did.