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Everything posted by RFS

  1. We booked him an airplane ticket and he disappeared, no answer, no show, wasted money.
  2. Wasted company money, abandoned truck, held truck hostage, could not reach him. Unreliable and unsafe driver. DO NOT HIRE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
  3. RFS

    Travis Ruffin

    Termination reason: Truck abandonment in Harris County, TX Eligible for rehire: No
  5. RFS

    Keunthi Davis

    He was late on most of the loads. Doesn't want to drive and throws tantrums, yelling on the phone every time he is at fault. He quit under a load without saying anything to anyone.
  6. He took advance of $800 and never return my calls, left the truck in atlanta Ga. He use to sell our gas at cheap price to other drivers.
  7. This is a criminal pretending to be a driver. He is a Box Truck Driver and if you hire him, you are risking your equipment. He will steal your fuel and sell it, telling you that your tank is leaking. DO NOT HIRE
  8. He showed up on the interview smelling like weed. Probably still high. We passed on him. Hair drug test recommended.
  9. Abandoned truck in NC and took with him company Ipad that was installed in the truck for ELD.
  10. The driver wanted to work with us, ran processes, did a drug test and the last day he ghosted us and never showed up. Waste of time.
  11. DO NOT HIRE, avoid
  12. Just checked this comment, and I wish I read it before getting him onboarded. I took care of this drivers flight, got him set up, and next day when he was supposed to start driving, he asked if he could go back home to redo all his documents since they were all burned. Which is funny because I held his drivers license the day before. Anyways, next day he wasn't happy about the cameras in the trucks, cursed at everyone, and called everyone 'perverted and sick'. I would not recommend. Always in a bad mood, and complaining.
  13. Abandoned a truck, refused to bring it back and got it towed locally for illegally being parked. Avoid this Driver at all costs. Worked less than 3 weeks.
  14. Overall, he is not bad driver. But one day from out of nowhere he tired working. He took day off as a usual driver, past one week and no answer from him. Our company reached him out and he stated that he is having health issues. We gave him time to recover, but we started getting employment history release forms from other trucking companies. So, we reached him again, tried to talk with him, find out what is going on, he just refused to communicate and dropped our truck to dealership. Sadly, we had to terminate him.
  15. This driver left my Truck and trailer in the truck stop, told us he is bringing it back but never did. Big layer never on time destroys trucks and trailers to the ground. Don't hire this guy!!!!
  16. We think he might be on drugs but we never confirmed that. He likes to speed a lot. Twice he decided to take a 24 break while under the load that was supposed to be delivered the next day, he had hours to drive and he wasn't answering the phone the whole day. Finally, when we decided to bring him to Chicago to fire him he drive home and left the truck and trailer at some truck stop and we had to send another driver to recover it.
  18. Was working for a month, came to our yard to fix truck and after couple days once truck was fixed, he asked for cash advance before pick up so he could get some stuff as he mentioned. Once he cashed out cash advance, told that he is leaving and left without a trace. Worst part is that before he agreed to take load and it was already booked for him.
  19. he's looking for a company ,thanks for whoever did the initial review and saved many others from hiring this driver
  20. Driver applied, kept saying I will get my drug test tomorrow for over a week. He says, I will get my drug test and flight ticket and be there on Monday for orientation. Driver did not show up for orientation. I wont even look at him again if he calls back, at this point he has been nothing but a waste of man hours and money. Would not recommend anyone just doesn't seem to want to work.
  21. RFS

    Natoma Brown

    This female driver is just waste of time, always late, always ask for advance, takes her boyfriend to the truck and just wastes everyone's time
  22. RFS

    Jason Fleak

    We paid for him to get training, put him with one of our best trainers (who got him a $500 GPS) and after his training, we put him in a brand new truck that he abandoned. After days of trying to get in contact with him to make sure he was ok, he said that OTR driving 'wasn't for him' and he'd never felt 'so sad and alone' and was on the road 18 days.
  23. He was great in the beginning and 1 week in the problems began. Communication was extremely difficult. He would be disrespectful and unwilling to work. Our equipment got towed because he parked it by his house. He refused to return to the truck. Upon truck recovery we found opened bottles of alcohol. Very unprofessional and dangerous for this profession!! I would advise against hiring him!!
  24. RFS

    Dwayne Shaw

    Reckless driver. He has 5 avoidable accidents. Doesn't care about safety or simple maintenance. Mistakes all the time, total BS. Stay away if you want to keep your MC active. Demands crazy amount of money to work.
  25. Very bad experience. Works when he wants, taking off weeks.. Cancelling loads, changing apptmnts, always late. When asked to return equipment - disappeared with a truck. Police report made. Truck abandoned. Do not was your money on this person.
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