This person applied and got sent to a drug test, he was wishy washy on it, however completed the test. Results came so we got him a ticket to fly him in. He was confused from the moment he got his ticket that he is going to Chicago and not Ontario canada. He seemed more confused when we had refreshed his memory of the job position being over the road. he assumed we are doing local and regional work. His flight was for Sunday, he got "lost" at the airport and failed to show up on Sunday, so he rescheduled his own flight for Monday morning. He got here, filled out paperwork and went to the hotel. Tuesday morning he finally got back to the office and stated that he needs to go back to Vegas because he forgot he had court in California on the 24th of August. We told him he can go - to which he stated he doesn't have money to go back. Well in our verbal contract we fly you in and take care of you, but we do not handle your way back home. We were courteous enough to drop him off at the airport. In an hour we received a phone call back from Douglas stating he wants to come back and drive for us as long as we get a load towards California for his court, to which management said NO. Then his friends started calling us and cursing us out, asking how come we fly someone in and leave him stranded. We advised them that his financial situation and poor organizational skills are to blame. Beware! this person is just trying to home and will take any job that gets him to Vegas or California.