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Everything posted by TCS

  1. In 2 months of employment with us, he managed to make 2 accidents, 1 went off the road, 2nd hit someone else and of course non of this is his fault. Turns off the ELD and drives like he wants and how he feels like, at the end threatening with DOT complaints on ELD, rude to office members and pretty much does whatever he wants as soon as he gets in the truck, somehow managed to get the broker information and started screaming and arguing with the broker to get more money and calling broker all sorts of names. To be more specific about him since there are a lot of Hussein's he is from Portland Ave, Burnsville, MN 55306
  2. Abandoned our truck with a load and stole fuel.
  3. not driving at night, no driving at weekend, not doing log runs, want to make $3000 and sit at home very useless and picky home sitter driver
  4. An excellent driver, he has never disappointed him. It's a pity that I went to another company, good luck on your own track.
  5. Applies every 2 months and disappears when scheduled for DT.
  6. TCS

    Tory Green

    Very problematic driver. Refused to returned the truck. Police involved. Fighting with everyone. Left truck in the worst possible condition. Terminated for multiple Safety violations. Be careful if you are planning to hire him.
  7. We sent him a plane ticket and he just turned off his phone never showing up.
  8. TCS

    Jon Brenner

    He wanted to join us; came and start with orientation and he said he forget to return truck for previous company, he has to go home
  9. We made a deal with him about orientation, he stop by and chose a truck and over night he disappeared, no answer, no even word.
  10. Bad communication with all departments
  11. He is very emotional and high strung driver never wants to go anywhere only what he wants late on loads and then he does not ever answer the phone when you call or respond then use the truck to run all over town on personal time and then called said come get the truck and abandon it in another state where he lives he is very unreliable and wont ever do the job please be careful when hiring for this is the second job he dumped a truck to be recovered Update on David we found he was drinking and driving found beer cans all over the truck he broke the fridge and melted all the plastic in truck with cigarettes burns tore the brackets and the bumper off. This guy has no respect for no one or the equipment please stay far away
  13. TCS

    Troy Brown

    If you're looking to hire this driver ? I WILL NOT RECOMEND !!!! Very irresponsible , big liar and never follow the company rules! Stay away from this guy !
  14. Driver got tested positive on pre employment, did his rehab training, got it him on a truck, 2 weeks later he went awol, had to go pick up my truck to make delivery, he texted me next day that he relapsed, watch this guy is a drug user,
  15. Drove a dedicated UPS lane, constantly late .Unwillingness to follow dispatch assignment timelines, at the end drove from New Mexico to Indianapolis without authorization totaling about 1700mi,explenation was that no one told me they ''cannot do it'' ,every time you ask him to stop and do an oil change on the truck or any other maintenance related item -he asks about $$
  16. Driver has big issues. Always threatens, yells if doesn't like something. ended up bringing the load back 1000 miles becouse he couldnt deliver the load, and was terminated for that. Was acting violent , and called police becouse he kicked him out of the office. Police just waited for him to leave, since they saw driver has issues.
  17. He abandoned the truck in FL
  18. Terrible terrible attitude, only demanding his wishes, dont do anything . Worthless driver. He is from Laredo. Be aware of him , wont hire him if would have 15 empty trucks in my yard !
  19. Quit with no notice while on home time in FL. Refused to bring the equipment back. Lazy driver, constantly late but its always somebody else's fault. Cannot do more than 300mi a day, cannot drive during the night or after 3:30pm. Getting a parking space at the truck stop at 3:30pm is more important than any load he is hauling.
  20. drug addicted from IL dangerous
  21. Abandoned truck, left at truckstop where truck got towed, Lied before starting different job, beware.
  22. Multiple times had load going through his house and disappeared. Did not answer calls, texts. Had to sent other driver to recover the load. When returned our truck front bumper was damaged.
  23. Very rude with the company, with brokers and especially at shippers/receivers. Always late for loads, asking for cash advances. Please do avoid
  24. not worth it always a problem when leaving home , damaged truck head light hanging out and doesnt care for equipment
  25. Not recommended.
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