WASTE OF TIME. Equipment was abandoned in Georgia. Do not hire this piece of shit, he lies, he went home and started making up stories of how his child is sick and in the hospital. Come to find out that none of it is true, he does not care, he even mentioned that his Childs mom is deceased while she is still alive. He was trying to bribe us for $7,000 for suppose Childs surgery. Then said only $3,000 was needed, and then even $1,000 was going to work. In the end he got $0 so he tried to call our after hours to tell them that he needed to replace 3 tires and that he was lucky to find it really cheap and that he only needed $700 which the truck was not even moving and parked by his house. Just so many stories that did not add up that caused me to just tell him stop lying, once that occurred, he abandoned equipment.