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Everything posted by Alexej

  1. Abandoned truck terrible driving not following rules driving empty 1700miles to home
  2. He is indeed an aggressive person trying to teach other how to live and do business, calling everyone around inappropriate names and herrasing to deport everyone back to Russia. Being himself from same country. Be aware!
  3. Reckless driver with a very bad attitude. With her team driver Seriocha Nodarse, she had an accident with our truck on her very first day. Unreliable - was even late with a delivery by 12 hours for no reason at all, and is now trying to cause problems to the company instead of taking responsibility for her mistakes.
  4. He stole equipment from us and never show up. Do not waste your time on him
  5. This driver deserves ZERO stars. This driver does not obey the basic company procedures. He Disconnected the logbook, and drove, also using personal convenience whenever he wanted to, he wasn't doing PTI, in one week had three different damages at the truck, (bumper, windshield, mudflap) and didn't report to the company, and last drop was when he ignored the dispatcher and went home loaded 400miles, held the load at his house for one week, we got late fee $500 from the broker. And at the end he was asked to drop the truck at the truck stop because he was terminated, but he drove another 700miles home being terminated. He also came to the company with a broken bumper, and other parts of the truck after only one week of working, saying that it was hit and run. We do believe he damaged our equipment himself. The worst thing happened later. He stole our truck and trailer. Parked the trailer at the gas station in NC in the middle of nowhere. The truck he took to his house. When we called the local police - the police did not help because HE HAS A COUSING WORKING THERE. We had to open a police report with our state. As the result - our truck was towed away and we had to pay $675 the towing fee! He cut the cords in the truck and now we have to repair it! Still dealing with circumstances. This driver is a total hell!
  6. The driver is avoiding responsibilities and left a lot of damage on the truck. he is not careful on the road. It is impossible to get him out oh home. do not risk with him don't hire him you are going to regret him
  7. First trip hit the bridge went out of his route DAMAGED THE TRUCK , call everybody with bad words and disrespeect, ABANDONATE THE TRUCK DAMAGED AT DELLIVERY AND DISPEAR, STAY AWAY!
  8. Will lie and be nice till you give the keys to the truck. Threatens to report your company. A total disaster.
  9. Update, dropped truck about 20 miles away from our yard. The trailer was dropped about 50 miles in opposite direction of the yard. Equipment recovered, stay away waste of time.
  10. Unreliable driver. Switched the companies, he was bagging for a job, we gave him a chance, paid for the hotel, food and stuff and he just used us and ghosted during the orientations. By the way he is carrying a gun with himself. Stay away from this driver
  11. Alexej

    Kevin Burl

    Driver took loaded trailer and truck home, 850 miles away from delivery, disconnected everything, and stop answering. 2 weeks earlier he made up a story about his house burning down, he was not working for 10 days, and 2 loads after coming back on the road he did this. He owes a company thousands of dollars. Stay away from this driver
  12. Came to work for us with his teamate Jazmine Dupont. Very risky driver. Does not sleep when he is supposed to. Does not understand a thing even if you explain him 20 times. Ended up in emergency room due to health issue. Be very careful with this team. They have a tendency to quit and bobtail to company yard without approval.
  13. This guy had orientation booked and we got him flights out to us only so he can ghost us and never answer again. Unreliable, I would skip if I were in your shoes.
  14. A very unprofessional driver, always complaining and finding excuses for being late, hard to communicate with dispatch, he deadheaded from IL to MN together with the load, which was supposed to be delivered, dropped the truck at truck stop. we needed to recover the unit and delivery the load. Would not recommend to hire.
  15. This driver is a scammer. Everything was good at the beginning. We booked him a flight ticket and once he was in Chicago he disappeared. We do not recommend him!
  16. This old guy is a mentally instable and sick, sick, sick !!!!! very slow and lazy too, may be just because he is an alcoholic who is coming from ca-il in 2 weeks and creating a lot of problems!!!! abandoned the truck, acctually we sent someone there to take it from him and guesss what he was drunk as f@ck !!!! I hope never ever ever someone hoires him and I hwish they stay without the work and dont have food !!!! such new equipment you gave to them, a posibility to make good money , paid on time and HE IS DRIVING DRUNK?????If something would happend??????
  17. this driver worked for us 2 times we gave him one more chance doesnt even think about safety at all after getting fired called and threat the company
  18. He left the truck on the parking, sent txt will not continue driving. He was not answering on the phone for couple of days. Do not hire him.
  19. Mood changes in a second. He didn’t ask me for money, but he did change his mind several times about working and at the end out of bloom just said he don’t want the F job and to block his number. He did ask for cash advance policy and how soon can he get one as soon as he starts rolling. He repeted the same story on all numbers I use for recruting in last 3 years.
  20. after working here for some time abandoned truck in Georgia.Not answering phone !!!!
  22. Everything was good at the start, but once our safety team called him about random drug test, he refused to do it and just abandoned equipment in San Antonio , TX. Hire at your own risk.
  23. We decided to hire this driver and buy him a airplain ticket. He never showed up to our office so we gave him a call and asked him what happened. His explanation was that he couldnt check in with the ticket we sent him (which is a lie),so we thought maybe he had cold feet and gave him a second chance and booked him a new ticket. Again the guy didnt show up or have the decency to answer any of the calls or messages. Time and money down the drain. Stay away from this guy!
  24. Very unreliable driver, was constantly late, getting into fight fight shippers/receivers, on his final week after getting paid Friday requested additional $1000 advance stating his child is sick and get get treatment, after that held equipment hostage without responding to calls or messages, truck and trailer were both returned with paintwork damage.
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