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Everything posted by Alexej

  1. He got approval, and we did a drug test. He was supposed to come to our office, and just disappear. No reply to calls, or messages for a month, and still no reply.
  2. The guy is straight out moron. After being on the road for a week, just quit. Money paid and did 2500 miles. Didn't like dispatch and just left the truck without any communicaton
  3. Just want to start off by saying this guy is a scammer, liar and I do not recommend for hire at all! We just hired him not too long ago, he canceled 2 loads and claimed that he wanted to "spend time with his family over the weekend" When the weekend was over he spent over $3000 on the fuel card we gave him for the truck. I wouldn't be surprised if this is all this guy does! Just a total scammer and bad driver! Hire at your own risk
  4. Didn't give 2 weeks notice, wanted to dh home, we had to trick him into returning the truck. One of "know it all" guys...
  5. His drivers license was suspended at some point, but he continued driving, we of course order him to stop driving immediately, he refused to do it and continued driving. After that he just turned truck and went straight home in AL. He abandon truck there
  6. drop truck in middle of nowhere left credit for company
  7. Driver abandoned the truck in Atlanta. He was communicating with dispatch without any issues till the moment he parked the truck. After that stopped answering the phone and text and just went mia. Not to mention he got multiple out of service violations the week prior and he's been with the company for a month only.
  8. Did not pickup the load and did not inform anyone in the company. Deadheaded home to another state. Said that he will take a few days off. After a few days, we reached to driver and he refused to return equipment back to our terminal.
  9. We gave this driver plenty of chances until finally 1 day the semi-trailer ended up on top of a fire hydrant... Had to part ways with him.
  10. On his request, we bought him the flight in line with his schedule. He did not come. Don't waste money and time on this guy. He's not reliable.
  11. He abandoned loaded truck in his first week, disappeared and did not answer to our phone calls. After 2 days, he texted us that the truck is safe and that he will go work somewhere else. Do not hire.
  13. The driver only worked for us few days, and as soon as he started working for us started making demands on what type of loads he would only due. If we did not do as he asked he would leave the truck and trailer on the road, we were able to route him by the yard and terminate, also after termination kept calling and talking bad to the company, just stay away just trouble.
  14. Had bad DOT inspection, that was never reported to the company, still owe money to a company
  15. Driver worked for a 5weeks until we noticed that he is leaving the loaded trailer and going to take care of him everyday. Shower/meal and so on. Last load he droped the loaded trailer in the mud ant left for the meal. when he came back trailer was stuck in the mud. Towing was needed. We was late at Mcclaine new app was rescheduled in 3days. Guess what happened? Driver decided to drop the loaded trk and went home. 0 responsibility. He could tell you that he can run 800-900miles daily but he can do only 600. Be careful of him. BTW his weekly pay was 1.7-1.8k with lease... We dont need drivers like him! Stay safe!
  16. Andre Kyle worked for us for about a week and a half. He was always late for loads and a very irresponsible person. All his short work caused a lot of problems with a large number of customers we work with. We do not recommend it to be part of your team!
  17. He applied with us today, but was denied for obvious reasons! When we send him the message, he immediately started using faulty language and sending message after message with very weird wording, like a mentally unstable person! Thank You for your previous comments here, very helpful!
  18. Luis has been exited about coming to work at our company for a month. He was sure he can come to work this week. Spent money on drug test, flight. He texts me this morning that he never got on the plane. Such a waste of money and time on him. He has not replied back anymore. Companies do not deserve this treatment.
  19. After 3 weeks, he abandoned the truck on his very first "home-time". Got load on almost every load, have a shipment from MO to MI and got lost 8 times along the way. Unreliable, no idea where he is, or where he needs to be going. Parked at his house ( 2000 miles away from my terminal ) and told me to go pick up my truck. Also he said he was in the hospital, but we see him using the truck as a personal vehicle during the time period he claimed to be in the hospital for.
  20. Worst driver I ever hired in my life. Completely insane. Called employees names, etc. Ended with a Workers Comp claim for "hurting his shoulder", OSHA case, CA retalation case, CA wage claim. I have the biggest headache from this guy and wish I never hired him. I think I have PTSD.
  21. was given 2023 KW, brand new. worked for a month with a lot of issues, always unhappy. brought the truck back trashed. DO NOT HIRE I will try to upload video of the inside the truck with garbage and poop. Got DOT inspection for lane violation and of course it was not his fault
  22. Truck abandonment, Drunk driving, lying about everything, asking for money all the time, lying about his previous employment, threatening with suing the companies he worked for, didn't go for a follow-up test since he was tested positive for methamphetamines' on his previous company
  23. Did property damage, trailer damage , forgot BOLs ar shipper , abandon equipment. Peace of mind, don’t hire him
  24. He was hired on May 8, 2023. Once he passed all tests and was ready to hit the road he started to ask us for a trip to San Antonio to take his belongings. Once he got home lied about his sickness, told us tablet was broken for the ELD to buy him a new one, asked us to buy him a blower, cash advances etc. Once received everything he requested abandoned our truck in San Antonio. Recovering team had found the truck and everything was stollen. ( IPAss, PrePass, Ktag, Dash Camera, Fire Extinguisher, Tools, 2 matrasses, tire chains, fuel card, keys, tire gauge, tablet, ELD device, microwave, truck binder, jumper cables, Load locks). Poured the oil and coolant in to the fuel tanks. (Truck and reefer). spilled bleach in the cab all over. all this happened after 2 days of employment.
  25. The truck was abandoned and very dirty. Trailer is abandoned in a different spot - loaded. Towing was called to impound the equipment. The driver did not return the keys to the truck. tablet not returned.
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