For the last 3-4 months, he's been slacking a lot. Everytime he goes home, he would tell us a date when he would be available and I'd give him a call to make sure he's good to get a booked load, he'd confirm, the day of pickup I'd call him to confirm the load and then two hours before the load he'd call me and say he can't pick it up. Then, he'll say he'd pick it up the next day, I'd try to rollover and sometimes I'm able to do it, he'll confirm again, then he'll do the same thing. Sometimes I have to rollover 2-3 times in a week. Once he started rolling on the truck, he's fine but once he's home is an issue. It would be a constant issue, eventually progressing. Always an excuse. Sometimes he'd even stop picking up the phone and not answer me or the company. Yesterday, he delivered the day before Monday evening. The agreement was to take 34 hours, maybe one day more and hadn't had any decent reset. We agreed to reload him Wednesday or Thursday morning. I checked on him yesterday morning (02/15), he said he's all good. I moved his truck. He was supposed to get the medical card recertified in the afternoon, and around 3:30 or so PM CST, he sent a picture that he tied the key to the truck and said he's quitting. That was it, no notice or anything, truck abandoned.