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Everything posted by Wheely

  1. This driver was reported for stolen vehicle. He took the truck from the repair shop and went home without permission. He disconnected the GPS and refused to inform us where the vehicle was. After more than a week, the police was able to locate the truck at a towing facility. We had to recover it and pay the towing and storage fees. Always doing whatever he wanted, late for pickup/delivery; not following logbook rules of duty status; several DOT violations and vehicle damages. Has been a nightmare working with him. Not to be trusted with the equipment.
  2. STAY AWAY! First week he damaged truck and trailer.He does not know how to drive, neither to slide tandems. In first week he also damaged load, lost load bars few times in a week ,when we tried to bring him back to the Chicago, he was treating he will destroy a truck, and got his friends to call us saying the same. Ended with police, because he refused to leave from the truck.
  3. After recruiting this driver, travel expenses paid to attend orientation. This driver was a NO CALL NO SHOW. Our recommendation, DO NOT HIRE, this driver is not reliable.
  4. Complete nutjob. Occupational accident chaser. He filed two claims with Zurich. Hire at your own risk.
  5. Was ok for a while, then started acting weird, more and more time spending home than on the road, then finally said emergency in Cuba, need to go ASAP to take care and then dropped the truck in the yard, and left. Never heard from him again except 3 weeks later "where is my last paycheck". Can not trust this guy much. Be aware.
  6. This individual is very sexist and believes women are beneath him. He is very arrogant and claims to know how to drive but yet couldn't even make his first delivery on time. He dropped our LOADED TRACTOR/TRAILER IN MN at his "cousins" private lot and tried coercing us to pay a fee to recover our equipment along with the load. It looks like this is a new scam they are running to get companies to pay these outrages fees and taking our product and selling it in the streets. PLEASE BE AWARE AS WE DON'T NEED PEOPLE LIKES THESE IN THE INDUSTRY!!
  7. A complete waste of time. Spent 2 weeks and didnt show up for a flight. Didnt even bother tell us about the change of mind.
  8. This Mr. King was supposed to start working in our company. We completed the entire hiring process and even purchased a plane ticket for him. Everything seemed to be going well. However, on the day he was supposed to arrive at our office, he suddenly stopped answering his phone. We tried calling him multiple times from different numbers but had no luck. After a few attempts, we called him again, and after four consecutive calls, he finally answered. When we asked him why he didn't take the flight, he simply replied, "Oh, I don't know." When we questioned why he didn't inform us in advance that he wouldn't be flying, he laughed and said, "I was in the hospital... as always." We do not recommend hiring this individual as a "driver." If you're looking to waste your company's money, then you can give him a try.
  9. Very slow, do not take care of equipment, does not not follow safety requirements, received multiple DOT violations, ABANDONED truck in NC.
  10. Bipolar, not taking meds and doing Facebook lives while driving.
  11. Not for hire, you will waste you money. I buy him flight ticket he came, and 1 hour before his first pick up he left the truck.
  12. STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRIVER!!! He is a complete waste of time and money. First of all he was prohibited on the Clearinghouse and we sent him for RTD. Then he started calling 10 times per day to check for his results. When he started working with us and we cleared out his CH status he decided to let us know that he has a very important doctor appointment which he cannot miss. At the end he left our equipment at the yard with a loaded trailer - the load is with one of our top brokers. Very bad and unpleasant experience with this driver. We would recommend you not to hire him!
  13. This driver seemed very nice in the begging.. He used to work with us last year, and he called to come back, he was polite and asked for a plane ticket Since we knew him, we got him the plane ticket, he got to Chicago came to the yard, he went to do drug test, came back and was supposed to go to hotel He never went to hotel, he was left.. He blocked everyone from the company.. We wasted time and money on him, so our advice is not to trust him!
  14. I can tell that this guy is into action movies and video games as he thought that he can just take run off with the truck. He damaged the trailer and after unhooking it he was asked to leave the truck at the shop next door for an inspection as well, but he did not like the idea, so he decided to just put a pedal to the metal and run off. He thought that life is a Hollywood movie and he can highjack a truck without any problems. We reported a stolen truck to the police and he was stopped on a highway and kicked out few hours after the incident occurred.
  15. Driver was with us barely a week. He started and everything seemed fine for the first day or two, and than he started scamming us for money. First he claimed he broke the screen on his phone, and he needs money to fix it. He was told we don't issue any extra money on top of the allowed weekly cash advance on his fuel card, but since he claimed he is unable to use the eld app on his phone, and the amount of money wasn't too big, we issued a money code. As soon as he got it, he started claiming his screen couldn't be fixed and he needs to get a new phone, so he asked for another 100$. At this point we needed to make sure he can use his eld app since he already accumulated several violations on his HOS due to "not being able to use it", and he already had a load finished, so we gave him money for that too. Even after he got it all, he still wasn't using the app, and kept very poor communication with us as to what is going on and why isn't he using the eld properly if he "fixed" his phone. He only reached out to ask for lumper money codes and truck and trailer washout, which all ended up being bogus charges as he never was able to provide receipts for any of it. We got him to the office to fire him, at which point he started screaming and yelling at everyone, to a point where he almost started a fight with the owner of the company, and that's when he was kicked out of the office. We sent our fleet manager to get to the truck and take possession of the key so he wouldn't drive away with the truck, and so he can monitor while he's getting his stuff out and make sure he doesn't ruin anything in the process. Once he got there, it was found out that James had an unauthorized passenger with him the whole time, presumably his fiancé. After all this, he came to the office to plead to give him money for the two of them to get home. After the head of our accounting department did a rough statement for him and deducted all money codes and the charges he couldn't provide receipts for, it was determined that we can either give him a small amount of money or get him one plane ticket home, to which he started yelling again that he is going to leave his fiancé in the truck so we can deal with her. As gentlemanly as that sounded, we told him we're advising against it as we will quickly resolve that by calling the police to get her out of the truck, and it is ultimately not our responsibility he had an unauthorized passenger with him nor is it our responsibility to get her home. At this point we were doing him a favor by even offering any way to help, either a plane ticket or giving him the money to figure out how to get home, as his paycheck wasn't technically due until a week later. Since this is already a long post due to many bad things he did in a short period of time, I'll wrap it up by saying he took the money and left, and after a few days we started receiving phone calls from the Salvation Army as they went there and claimed we left them on the street and haven't offered any way for him to go home. This was quickly resolved by providing proof of his wrongdoings and also proof of giving him money to get home.
  16. unstable, keep asking for money and giving excuses after he was discharged (police got involved as driver was threatening that he burned our office) still keeps calling back and bullying. definitely has mental issues. Would not recommending to get involved with him.
  17. Be aware when you hire this driver, at the beginning he wants to show you how good he is, but later on, driving two weeks and stays home for 1 month finding excuses to not go back on the road, he is also very very dirty. At the end left truck in different state.
  18. Same story. Driver is always right, even he is abandoning the equipment. Worked for a couple months, went home - never come back. In the meantime he got random drug test and thought that we are faking it. Will receive drug test refusal. No shame - we don't need trash on the streets.
  19. Wheely

    Ugo Uvuka

    He is looking again, after all of the reviews here, no chance for him!
  20. Firstly he doesn't know what's renting and being owner operator or what's responsibility. When he goes home you can't get him back on the road which speaks of him that he is a lazy person that doesn't want to work. He stole money from cash advances. Quit without any notice. And left the truck in horrible state. Save your self time, money and your equipment. Do not recommend him at all!
  21. Worked for 6weeks. First weeks was ok, but after that start acting weird. Did take many loads. Was very hard to deal with. Final - Abandoned the truck. You don't need him in your team. Stay safe.
  22. Beware of this driver he abandoned a fully loaded 2023 Flatbed -he never delivered + he is a dirty driver on all ways. don't waste your money on this driver. LIC # 0xxxxxx90
  23. Beware of this driver left a New 2023 Flatbed on the road, don't waste your money on this driver. LIC # 00xxxxxxx393
  24. Extremly unreliable driver. Accidents, flat tires, tow trucks you name it he has done it multiple times. He has no clue what PTI means, after 2 weeks of driving brand new truck with 10k miles on it stopped at loves for trailer inspection. All 18 tires had to be changed. all around brakes burned out... no mudflaps... lines hanging to the ground,,
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