THE DRUG COMMITT, took the truck, privided loaded trailer, drove home, then began to tell that the truck had been towed, gave a friend phone that we would pay for the towing, in the end they took the truck from his house, don't think about hiring it!
Overslept appointment, company gave second chance to come next day, overslept again.. Waste of time and money. This driver probably overslept all pick ups and deliveries
Did not show up to work. Went to drug test. Than tricked us that he is coming, but did not showed up.
Drug test came positive on cocaine. That is why.
Demanding, aggressive and dangerous driver. First trip IL-TX shifted load due to harsh break. Started the story with mother died and can't work, needs couple days off. Meanwhile used the truck for personal needs in TX and from he camera videos we sow him speeding, cutting other drivers, almost causing 4 accidents same hour. KEEP AWAY from this driver!
The Driver Daniel J. Wilson took a DOT urinalysis and accepted the plane ticket that he rushed the company to buy for him in the first place.
Because he lives in Louisiana this was a expensive ticket. During our conversation with Daniel he also told us he accepted another job blatantly lying to us the entire time. Mr.Wilson has no integrity and is a poor decision maker. We tried to explain to him deception over three hundred dollars is what resulted of this going onto his records. Recipts, and emails are available for proof if needed.
Wasting of time and company money. We made him appointment for drug test, and he never showed up. His excuse was that he had to go in the bank, but he said that he will go next day. Next day he stop answering our calls.
Abandoned loaded reefer trailer, took company truck for a joy-ride in Atlanta, GA, drug addict, criminal. Stay away from check, check his background it speaks for it self
Does whatever he wants. Secretly takes people for a ride without asking for permission and then says that no one told him he is not allowed. So frequently late with loads that the dispatcher was afraid to give him long trips. Overall lazy and unreliable. Stole our GPS and tablet when he got fired.
Be aware of this individual. Very unreliable, picks the loads after guaranteeing and agreeing to deliver and fails grossly not only to deliver but also to secure the shipment an equipment properly. Super aggressive and unpredictable. Took the company truck home and locked it in his private property. Company tried to recover the truck, got his dogs and his guns out. Unreasonable and unresponsive to any kind of communication.
Really problematic person, threaten to everyone non stop. Mentally unstable person.. Honest advise, do not hire him unless you want to receive threats all the time and have a really huge problems with this man.
Scamer. Will Call you and give you some sob story about how he is stuck because of another company and needs help getting home with money. He will also have his wife calling crying trying to get money as well. Crazy part is he has a clean record. But after he's done getting money he won't come drive for you! Do not trust him!
This driver is a con artist. He had us purchase an airplane ticket and confirmed 100% that he was coming for orientation. The next day he gave a BS story that he was given another offer he couldn't refuse. Please be advised that he is a waste of time and money.
Driver abandoned the truck, just because. Drove whenever he wants to drive, stayed at home as long as he wants. Poor driver all over. Don't waste your time.
The guy has mental issues: he claims that somebody is following him all the time, keeps switching his phone numbers because someone is trying to steal his identity... Finally held the loaded truck hostage and abandoned it. Stole tablet, ELD, mattress. No more!!!