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Everything posted by Trucking247

  1. Cheater. He took a new truck and as of the first day started to sell fuel from fuel cards.
  2. drop truck angry idiot
  4. Was driving, earning good money and one day decided to quit the company in his own way. Everything was good, not even a sign of conflict or something, dispatcher took a load and driver picked up went home and started blackmail for money not even talking about return of equipment. Seems like this driver is not very stable, lying and dangerous, could damage your equipment and cargo. Strong NO for hiring this driver.
  5. Driver is difficult to communicate, very stubborn, only wants his way. Super moody!! never guilty for his mistakes!!!!
  6. The driver dropped the truck in Texas saying that it wasn't his responsibility to return the truck to the main office. He constantly complained for not being the company's favorite driver (whatever that means) and blamed the company for his own negligence. The driver was involved in few accidents.
  7. worked for 3 months before quitting without a notice and abandoning the truck. 1/2 year later asked to be hired back, agreed to reimburse us for the truck recovery costs. A month later disappeared again, only this time taking all of his stuff out of the truck & leaving it in our home terminal. A week later we received a claim for hit & run accident at the truck stop. Police matched our company based on a information provided by a clerk on the Cat scale ticket- he was still using our company`s scale app which apparently he stole...
  8. He's totally confused guy and lazy. He said that he is having difficulty understanding different accents- we're multinational company.
  9. Did drug test and never go on the road.
  10. Before even getting to the office, he was rude and demanding- according to him we were responsible for his dinner, shelter and the waiting time at the drug facility. The next day came absolutely unprepared to the office-no medical card, social or cdl and someone started emailing his documents. When the safety wanted to go over all the paperwork together with him because of missing information, he tore off the application and left. This is one of those drivers I am happy he never started.
  11. Unreliable! Aarion Green started as a team with Michael Woodson for a dedicated overnight lane Chicago-Kansas City every night. In the span of a couple of weeks they caused multiple costly damages to our equipment. On two occasions they gave us a short notice just before the pickup that they aren’t going to be able to service dedicated lane for the night. The last time they did that – it was after the pickup time and they just abandoned the equipment and turned their phones off.
  12. The driver stopped answering phone call from the company, same as his Emergency contact person (his wife). He turned off the ELD and Camera, drove 800 miles empty, brought truck to the company, left it unattended in the middle of the road. Damaged truck, left truck very dirty inside and out. Still hasn't answered our phone calls. Bad driver, do no hire.
  13. Seemed like a good guy when started, he is a veteran but just too many issues. Worked for 3 weeks called 6 times police. Made Police reports that people are attacking him. A bunch of personal issues. Will not hire him again. Don't waste your time, unless you have no other options
  14. Edward was working for my company for a month. He stopped working on Oct 22nd. Fighting all the time with every person in the company... hard to reach him, threatening to leave the truck...Did not return company belongings, neither fuel card. We deactivated fuel card but somehow he activated card again and he stole fuel for over $1400 .00. I will press charges against him... who knows how much he stole while driving... I can just keep guessing... Be careful !!
  15. AVOID!!! During the hiring process he was shopping around and applying in other companies. When he started it was really hard to get ahold of him. He would anwer his phone whenever he feels like. Often late to pick up/delivery and always comes up with excuses for why he is running late.
  16. Do not want to get escrow charges.
  17. Driver abandoned truck in vacant parking lot
  18. Wasted money twice! We got everything checked out for him, done criminal and drug test, was ready to get him on board and he disappeared, ignored our calls. Reached out back in couple of months explained he was working with someone else, said really interested this time, looking for ASAP job and after doing all the steps again he blocked us without showing up or notifying. Not going to recruit this guy anymore. Waste of time and money
  19. Scam artist. Was about to start working twice. Every time disappeared. Waste of time
  20. He ask for a job and he have done drug test and i put him on insurance and rented trailer and he never showed up on start day. Stay away from this driver. Thanks
  21. called in crying . bad divorce no money , broke . we helped the guy to get to Chicago paid all expense . gave $100 cash brand new truck .on the first trip left loaded truck in Nashville turned off the phone and never was heard from again . we learned our lesson so others don't have to . also stole tablet
  23. Very unreliable driver he went home and the truck was towed 2 times in 1 day and at the end he abandoned the truck in the mud and stopped answering the phone. Stay Away!
  24. Bad communication. Late most of the time, hard to reach him when you need it. Left truck with lights on and no fuel in loaded reefer. And took I-Pass from the truck.
  25. This driver is not right in the head, nothing but constant unnecessary problems, lies constantly, has issues with everyone. Stay the hell away from this fella.
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