3 Towing in 10 days! At the beginning everything looked okey, decent communication via phones/email. except he got stocked and had a towing service on the 3th day. No damage to the equipment, agreed it will be deducted from his paychecks with no problem. Then!! 34 hours restart happened in New Orleans and his 1 st paycheck. Communication become really weird, disconnected ELD, reconnected .. some how after restart he managed pick up the load to IN, where completely lost control. We had communicate with Sams Club (receiver) to find out was going on. No communication with driver for 2 days with ELD non stop violation. Finally called to ask for another towing (stock again!), get to the dock , was looking for 4 hours for BOL, finally (3 days after arrival got empty). Ended up with 1 more towing, because driver got arrested (drug possession)/later released. Had to pick up truck in IN. on our own.