Jermarcus is a driver who does not understand trucking, and fears the danger of this occupation. He braked too harshly thinking his load shifted. Before someone could inspect the trailer he packed all his stuff, and left without our knowledge in the middle of the highway. The police even offered to escort him to a safe spot, but he refused. Later after service came we came to the conclusion the load in fact wasn't shifted, and the driver purposely stood on an uneven road, to have an excuse to leave. Also I have to mention, he used very inappropriate language, refused to answer to our texts/calls, hung up on all our calls, and was cursing at every other word. Very inexperienced new driver, no knowledge of trucking whatsoever, and we are not the first company he abandoned the truck with. Hire him with caution. He was all excited in the beginning, and a couple days later he was ignoring all of us. (He was also a lot on his phone while driving, constantly being distracted while speaking over the phone).