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Everything posted by Mialarson

  1. Happened during recruiting. We had gotten him here to the office and as mandatory, we sent him on the drug test immediately. First he got a refusal on his first test but then agreed to a second test. Once he completed the test, he returned to the office to start paperwork and then disappeared never to be seen again. Not responding to any office members texts to see if he’s coming back. Highly unprofessional.
  2. Driver abandoned truck and lost contact with us out of the blue.
  3. Driver is mentally ill, one minute everything is good and after few minutes he does not want to driver or the load is too bad for him. He told that he will start work on tuesday but left on sunday night from Chicago to his home Minneapoli empty and same route back. Avoid this person.
  4. This driver rescheduled his flight 4 times in one week. Every time that we called him he told us that he is coming and that everything was okay and after that we just saw that it was canceled. 0 recommendation for this driver. + last time that he hade his flight we paid for his Uber.
  5. Nathan was employed by our company in 2020. Drove almost for a year. Couple small incidents, nothing major. One day he just disappeared. Called couple months later asking to take him back. We booked him flight from FL to IL. Texted from Chicago airport about some guy offering him better rate per mile, so he won't be coming to us..
  6. Jermarcus is a driver who does not understand trucking, and fears the danger of this occupation. He braked too harshly thinking his load shifted. Before someone could inspect the trailer he packed all his stuff, and left without our knowledge in the middle of the highway. The police even offered to escort him to a safe spot, but he refused. Later after service came we came to the conclusion the load in fact wasn't shifted, and the driver purposely stood on an uneven road, to have an excuse to leave. Also I have to mention, he used very inappropriate language, refused to answer to our texts/calls, hung up on all our calls, and was cursing at every other word. Very inexperienced new driver, no knowledge of trucking whatsoever, and we are not the first company he abandoned the truck with. Hire him with caution. He was all excited in the beginning, and a couple days later he was ignoring all of us. (He was also a lot on his phone while driving, constantly being distracted while speaking over the phone).
  7. worked a week and half,in the middle of his load turned around and went home to Louisiana
  8. Waist my time. Dl from Nj
  9. We gave him chance, because he was begging, so desperate. His phone was disconnected, so we paid his bill. Late most of the loads. Takes brakes all the time. Logbooks joke, drives anyway. We let him go after finding him waisted in the truck. We called over 150 times no answer. Beware. Alcoholic and control substance user. Will be desperate looking for job shortly. Not worth a chance.
  10. We bought him a plane ticket in order to bring him to the office for the orientation, he didn't show up at the airport. Later that day he called us asking to give him one more chance saying that the car that was supposed to take him to the airport broke down. We used the credit from the previous ticket and booked him another one, he didn't show up again, this time with no call or text message at all.
  11. The most f*cked up driver ever. Makes up stories for every load, constantly lies, forgets his lies then tells different stories! Impossible to conduct good legit business with this guy. One day he wants to be a dispatch, another an owner op, third he has corona and so on... it's very tiring...
  12. Drove for a week and then informed us to bring him back, he has to leave the country due to family problems.
  13. lied about starting with our carrier. as asked to confirm guaranteed and assured that will start. not reliable.
  14. Disgusting, nasty attitude that speaks volume for who he is as a person. He has his own truck which he keeps in a very poor condition. I had to apologize for the TA workers who did repairs to his truck, they complained about a smell and turns out John had a porta potty in his passenger seat. He complains for absolutely everything. Stays home way too much and then complains he doesn't make money. Argues with safety on every matter, without any grounds or knowledge. He left shippers and receivers multiple times because they made him wear a mask and he doesn't want to follow that rule.
  15. Constant family problems, causing delays and dispatch headache; was terminated upon: return of the equipment there was truck damage done for a short period of time, hire at your risk but too much going on with him
  16. layer, treating with DOT and lawyer and audit....
  17. This guy already dead, he cant drive to old for that, forget him, will make more problems, sending loads from DAT, booking loads by him self
  18. Up and quit without 2 weeks notice, job hopper
  19. worked for 2.5 mo. Always complaining. Yes, the trailer tires blew but it is part of trucking. We have no control over the tires esp now when everything is low, no parts, no good tires. Loves to write essays instead of texts. Very discriminative. Got paid on time but did not like Saturday postings of funds, did not give 2 weeks notice. Based on the policy we have 45 deposit hold just in case of claims. Was very upset with it. Left a very discriminative review on on website about the owner of the company who goes above and beyond. Threatened with police and labor department. Promised to get us locked. So basically whatever is not his way, he creates a huge issue about it. Everyone HAS to take care of him. Would not recommend this driver since he is true high maintenance driver and requires a lot of attention. Seems like there is a problem currently or it comes from the past. Needs more attention than anyone else we have known. It was a true relief when he quit.
  20. this guy pretends to be nice but did 5 accidents within 5 months, then when we told him that we going to deduct money to cover the repair cost got very angry trethened us ,yeling took all bols and left!!!be very careful with this guy,he had rolled over and jecknife with previus company too.
  21. Hygiene Problems, couldn't clean the truck after him. Equipment and property damage.
  22. Liar, said that she will be coming, didn't answer the phone, but when the company called from a different number she answered, get confused, had nothing to say and start lying that she has some emergency. Don't waste your time
  23. Texted me 2208 CDT 6/1/2021. With the same story. Scammer. Beware. He just want to get your money. Will never show up. Thank you for warning. Please comment below.
  24. be aware of this guy, talks big game and always calls on the phone yelling about none sense. the guy flips out of no where, wants to drive the way he wants, late to deliveries. wants to drive at night then refuse to pick up a load before his shift ends. headache headache headache !!! at the end refused to pick up a load and abandoned the truck. he will drive you crazy stay AWAY!!!!!!!!!
  25. He got a ticket for overweight ($780), he left the truck at the yard with an open window while it was raining outside, and he took off. He was unavailable during the whole day and it was his first day on the job. He is a lost cause and fitire employers should be aware of his negligence and lack off responsibility. Dispatch and recruiter can't get a hold of him for 2 days in a row.
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