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Everything posted by MrPeter

  1. Driver did more than $20000 damage to our equipment in two days.
  2. Sales Jonathan was part of our company for about three weeks. In most of the cases he was late for his deliveries, and he was always late for picking up a load after finishing with his home time. He was very arrogant and the dispatch team had a lot of difficulty with him. The last thing he did with the very last load was that he was blackmailing us, If we do not give him cash advance he will not deliver the load ( the load was already rescheduled previously since he was late). We gave him the advance and after he delivered the load, he destroyed all the GPS devices and drove the truck 200 miles empty towards his home to Arkansas. We have received various threats from him during this process. Therefore we highly recommend avoiding this driver and do not hire him
  4. equipment was stolen for a several weeks, after that, he dropped the trailer and still was keeping the tractor, we found it later on, which literally was a piece of junk what's left be aware all truck was full of weed and other crap
  5. This guy seems very professional at first and he knows how to talk the talk. We bought travel and he never got on the plane and but used the airfare for his personal trip. We got a VOE saying he abandoned a tractor/trailer and stole money from the company. Glad we dodged that bullet
  6. He had a mental blackout, called dispatch and started threatening to mention devils and all kinds of nonsense. He ended up stealing our truck and trailer and driving it to his property in Ohio. We ended up reporting him to the police and that's how we settled things.
  7. Milton does not perform as well as he initially sounded. Very difficult to work with: changed 3 dispatches because he couldn’t find common language with anyone, refused loads, showed up late to the appointments and did not bother to pickup phone when called by anyone on the team, then complained that his fuel cost was too high, but when pointed that he never drove under 75mi/hr he hung up. And finally, to make our lives harder he decided to drop trailer in one state and drive himself close to home and abandon truck as well. In order to put these pieces together we had to involve police because he did not want to respond to phone calls and reveal locations.
  8. Bought him plane ticket, when he got to office he told that he wants 10cpm more than we agreed upon, after we told we only pay what we agreed he left (everything was in text messages). Hire at your own risk.
  9. The driver is a total waste of money and time. We paid for a Drug test, flight ticket and a hotel and once he arrived at the yard he started disagreeing with all the policies we heave - even though we told him about them before and he was okay with everything. We do not recommend him!
  10. Hello ,If any of you see this name run other way ,this guys doesn't care about anything and anyone I gave him almost brand new truck he killed that truck not even a year, he got stopped in Atlanta ,Ga by police found all kinds of drugs in his truck and in the end he left my truck and trailer with the load in the middle of know where because I asked him why he is not at the receiver yet. DO NOT HIRE!!!!
  12. Carriers beware of this driver. He was always coming up with different theories how the entire world is out to get him. He drives 20 minutes. stops middle of the highway, then drives again 30 minutes, and stops again. Multiple times just disappeared and did not answer. Would disconnect the logbook and drive without it and when asked why he said he doesn't know what we are talking about. Accused us of stealing his food (how only God knows). When we gave him his 2 week notice, he said his probation officer already knows where he is (what does that has anything to do with us we are clueless). More crazy stuff from him pushed us to tell him to park the truck and leave. He then called the broker he was doing a load for and said we are horrible and kicked poor driver out for no reason. Save yourself the headache.
  13. Driver lied that he must go home in TX because he has an emergency. After 2 days of being home he called to tell us to go and recover the truck because he took another job. When we recovered the truck, we saw that he changed the company signs on the truck, and also made some holes around the truck to put some lights. He did not even put lights everywhere he just left empty holes. When i called to tell him about this he said that we trespassed his property to take our truck when in fact we got permission from a gentlemen to enter their yard. Just another liar. Do yourself a favor and not hire him
  14. We purchase ticket for this driver twice and he didn't show up. Stay away from him.
  15. This driver was driving van and car hauling for us. He went home for hometime and when he was supposed to start driving he went and picked few cars, he had another pick for few more vehicles but after picking up first part of the load he turned around and went back home. His dispatch called him and he sad that he won't be picking up second part of the load and the first half he got he can deliver in 7 days when he come to return the truck. Someone promised him 75 cpm and he thought it is ok to just steal the load, cancel second part of the load and go home until other company from Chicago gives him a green light to come. In the meantime he found out the other company is scam and he started blackmailing and requesting money up front to bring the truck back. The broker put us on black list. Stay away from this driver
  16. This guy will do anything just to get efs money code. He will tall you all the lies that you can possibly imagine. He is good for the pickup and then certainly he parking outside of the shipper and not going in until he gets and cash advance. He is keeping load as hostage and blackmailing to get money. ABOUNDONED THE TRUCK WITH LOADED TRAILER IN McDONOUGH GA, SEAL WAS REMOVED AND TRAILER WAS EMPTY. BE AWARE!!!!
  17. Terminated due to lack of performance. Very difficult to communicate with, refusing loads, always moaning and complaining. in the end he even abandoned equipment. Wouldn't recommend him to anyone
  18. Abandoned TRUCK UNDER A LOAD, We received a claim and recovery was needed, was costing us a lot of money
  19. Bad communication with all departments. He threatened that he leave the truck in the middle of the highway. Abandoned truck.
  20. Worst driver we had,left the truck. Not on time to pickups and deliveries. Left the truck messed up and dirty. Has a bad attitude and always argues with the dispatchers and complains about everything.
  21. Cursing and arguing with Brokers, Abandoned truck and trailer under a load.
  22. Destroyed the truck on purpose. Used as a personal vehicle. Lived in the truck until we picked it up. Late on every appt, arguing a lot.
  23. From 7 days in a week he will be at least 3 or 4 days stuck in a repair shop or refuse to drive for some truck issue. In theory he is workaholic and the best but in reality you will be in negative every single week with him. Avoid to reduce stress and huge maintanance bills.
  24. Spoke with driver on several occasions and explained everything to him. He was pleased to join our growing team. Once he arrived, he stated that he will need to run through the house to grab some stuff including misplaced license which is understandable. Our company is lease to rent, so its strictly otr with minimum of 3 weeks out. This guy decided to swing through the house in the week in the half that he worked for us more times than he acually worked. Oh this time just to get my stuff, oh i have to be back because im moving, oh well again i am moving, and oh i need to be home again because im moving, until it was told that enough is enough, then he went empty to home and abandoned equipment. Now we will have to recover the equipment. I would not waste time on such a low life trash of a driver. STAY AWAY do not hire this fool.
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