Time and money waster, he begged me for job, to hire him immediately, telling that he is broke, he has 4 children to feed and he needs job and money, he mentioned "God bless you" in every second sentence, I scheduled him drug test 90$, he done it, and after that begged for airplane ticket, bus ticket/uber to airport because he didnt have 33$, I paid him 388$ for airplane ticket from CA to Chicago, 35$ for bag and 33$ for bus to airport, for flight tomorrow (this morning), and only 2 hours after I bought him ticket (7 hours before early morning flight) he is shamelessly texting me that he got bad cough and he cant come, I called United to cancel ticket but I cant because it is on his name, so he wasted me 550$ and half of the day listening his poor English accent, and his family in background, patiently listening which one out of 3 airports is the best for him, and which bus line should i book, horrible experience with this guy.