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Everything posted by JinjO

  1. DO NOT HIRE THIS DRIVER! He doesn't answer his phone. He left equipment far away from our office and never called us again. Stay away from him.
  2. JinjO

    James Milen

    Abandon the truck under a load in denver CO.
  3. he made us believe that he is on the airport and once he was sure there is no time for canceling the flight he texted me that he couldn't get on that flight cuz he couldn't afford checked bag , which is a lie cuz we bought him everything
  4. Hired Kevin on Wednesday and had to let him go with assistance from the local police department by Friday morning. First of all, he refused to sign application documents upon hiring questioning every single page. After we told him he cannot work here unless he signs the docs, he finally did sign them. He said he wanted to start driving and “making that money” ASAP; however, when his dispatcher called, he told him that he was too tired to start driving later in the afternoon. The next day he calls his dispatcher and start complaining why he doesn’t have a load at 8am in the morning. When the dispatcher started to explain that the market is not what it used to be and it might take some time before he gets a decent load, the driver said:” I don’t need to hear your little stories and excuses. The market was strong at my previous company!” Second of all, when the fleet manager tried to get him out of the truck, he refused to leave and started yelling and cursing. We would not rehire him ever!
  5. JinjO

    Cesar Lopez

    drop trailer
  6. tx left truck with out trl
  7. Hit and Run, on 7/8/2023 in Midland, TX, we were just served with a lawsuit
  8. JinjO

    Pier Junior

    Abandoned truck near his home town in FL after his last delivery. Rejected to pick up another load. Disconnected his phone. Truck was left in a truckstop and towed away in couple days.
  9. JinjO

    Luis Soto

    stole pallet
  10. Keep him away from you truck if you care about it. Dirty, empty alcohol bottles filled, kind of tricky fueling (never had fuel in reefer and never fills up tanks), forget about 2 week notice and abandoned truck in Texarkana, AR. This is all we had within 3 weeks that he drove for us from mid aug to mid september 2023.
  11. On October 2nd he drove 800 miles in PC, not answering the phone calls, and went home without approval. He had to go to delivery, but again we could not reach him. When finally he picked up his phone he refused to deliver the load. After 1hr on the phone with him, we managed to convince him to deliver this load. At the delivery, he caused an accident and blamed the other truck driver. After reviewing the recording, we were able to see that he was at fault. We gave him instructions that he could not move our truck and that we would send someone to recover the truck. Instead of listening to these instructions, he decided to disconnect the truck ELD device and start driving towards his home, again without approval. We could not reach him, so we had to get the police involved and later they were able to find him 4 hours away from the initial location. Not only he was about to abandon our truck loaded, but in the end, he managed to "steal" our truck.
  12. drove under bridge, and drop truck in MS
  13. I would give all 0's if I could. Took our 2022 truck on a run to the west, called 1 day later saying truck wouldn't start and has electrical issues. When road service arrived they called us after being on site for 2 minutes and said this genius drove the truck until it ran out of fuel. To make it better, he killed the starter as well after trying to start it over and over with no fuel
  14. He treated the truck like a ashtray, had a tow driver state that he smelled of booze one time, was hostile at times while driving, being rude to personnel at pick up and drop off's. Could barely run 500 miles in a day also giving dispatch hard time about routes, tried to select what his routes were going to be
  15. Absolutely terrible guy. Right after arriving to the office for the orientation (so after we already paid for his plane ticket, Uber, hotel, etc.), decided that he wants to drive the truck with his wife and a 7 year old child inside. After he was refused, he ran away from the hotel and stopped responding. Don't spend a dime on this guy.
  16. Driver made huge damages on the truck on the second load....took it home with him and abandoned in unsecured area. Both truck and trailer towed. This guy is nothing but problems
  17. Drop the truck with the load on a parking lot and left
  18. Abandoned the truck and stole equipment from the truck.
  19. This guy picked up our truck and went home then he left the truck stranded at truck-stop near his home. I do not recommend this guy for hire he is a waste of time!!
  20. Zachery brought on his girlfriend along as a passenger and lots of constant issues/problems took place. The GF was interfering with his work . The last week of employment they idled the truck and burned fuel - did not drive at all. After a week of not driving finally he got a load, however, he then left the loaded trailer in WI and took the truck bobtail and drove to CO and dropped the truck.
  21. Went home for 2 weeks in El Passo TX, did not want to go out, was finding all kind of excuses just to stay home. We had to send another driver to check on the equipment but we did not find it, on our luck we located the truck but not the trailer. He removed the tracking devices, he stole our brand new reefer trailer and sell it to someone else on the black market. Glad that we did not come to late otherwise our truck will be in Mexico. We had to involve police, lawyer's... Be aware from this bandit!
  22. JinjO

    Sacoia Sapp

    Do not recommend this driver at all! Stole fuel and just abandoned the equipment!!
  23. JinjO

    Inez Perez

    Inez and her husband seemed nice on the orientation until they took the truck and went straight home , did 3 loads and were ''unhappy'' even if they made a good paycheck for those 3 days. They abandoned truck in El Paso and did not wanna bring the truck back to Chicago even if we spent more then 1500$ on their tickets, Ubers and drug tests. I do not recommend them.
  24. Didn't complete the 2-weeks' notice. We asked him if he wants to take a load to Chicago to bring the truck back and he accepted. Then we booked him load and he didn't go to pick it up, stop responding to our phone calls, and abandoned the truck in Tx. We had bad communication with him and problems prior arriving for shipment and delivery appointment times.
  25. DON'T HIRE THIS DRIVER! HE IS USING DRUGS! We booked him a ticket for $400 which he missed and rescheduled it by himself but the airline wanted $300 more for the flight. He said that this was the first time he overslept and missed a plane. After that, he asked us to pay this extra money but we just rescheduled it for the next day. He came but there was a problem with his test and he had to take another one in Chicago. He refused to do it and admitted that he had taken drugs over the weekend and would not pass it. We refused to hire him after what he told us, so he started complaining and telling us that we played him and we had to buy him a ticket back home. Very rude and disappointing behavior! He probably is using drugs often and after we consider his whole personality he is not a reliable driver at all!
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