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Everything posted by TonyL

  1. We flew him to Chicago , on the first day on the orientation he disappeared .
  2. At first seems as a nice guy. Very unstable person. Mood changes every few minutes. Called us for a job. We asked him to send us his info so insurance can approve hi. Insurance got back to us same day saying that he was declined do to accident and speeding that he had in 2021. Told that to the driver and he kept on saying that it wasn't an accident . We apologized and said that based on his MVR we cannot hire him. Next day he called pissed, yelled and started swearing at the recruiter. Mood changed in a second.
  3. Santi Cates is a DANGER!! Worked only few weeks and stopped the truck in the middle of highway with no reason, causing a huge accident with injury!!Not a pleasant person at all! Have criminal history as well. Changed his last name to Medina.
  4. Do yourselves a huge favor and stay away from this driver. The driver is extremely irresponsible; she is always late for deliveries and never responds to her dispatcher’s calls. The lack of communication and professionalism is beyond believe. She abandoned our truck and later came up with a million different excuses why she did what she did. We made a huge mistake giving Lisa a second chance after she cried and begged to take her back. As a thank you, a little while later - she abandoned our truck the second time. As a result, the company took a huge loss and wasted a lot of its resources for this ungrateful driver. BE AWARE!
  5. Driver stole company funds and was not authorized to use company equipment in the manner that was done.
  6. Driver is very inconsistent if he is ready to come to work or not. We discussed about setting up a drug test for him next day. I was slammed with work in the office next day and didnt call him about setting up the drug test. Driver called and texted angry and disrespectful , yelling at me. Decided not to send to drug test after all.
  7. Driver abandon a truck by his house.
  8. BE AWARE Driver rolled with our company for couple of months and destroyed our equipment. To begin with driver unprofessional, always missing his delivery / pick up times, disapeared several times a week with freight being late for days, only to turn up several days later. When asked about it always got aggressive, threatening his dispatcher and making up escusses, telling brokers he will delvier the freight "whenever he feels like it". The last straw was when he started demanding money out of thin air, threatening he will take the load he had at the time and our equipment hostage if we don't pay him up. Same day we found out that he hit another driver causing caualties, totaling our and the other guys truck, public property as well as the freight that was on the trailer. All in all driver was unproffesional, aggressive, damaged our relationshop with several brokers and left our company with financial losses. WOULD NOT RECOMMEND
  9. This driver is irresponsible, he does not cooperate with the dispatchers. His wife is making decisions instead of him. He does not want to pay non-trucking insurance. If you rent him a trailer, he won't accept any responsibility for tires or anything. DO NOT HIRE HIM
  10. SHE RIDES WITH HER WIFE AND DOG Stealing fuel from trucks. She was working with us for 1w only Trying to get out as much money as possible. Wanted to be reimbursed for $1500 for their Uhaul that they had for 4 days driving around Chicago. BEWARE AND NEVER HIRE HER. She is in Chicago IL right now looking for work. Came to the office and was arguing and threatening the team. Then went outside took the truck and was gone for 45mins. Came back and was blowing the trucks honk sitting in our yard. Terrible experience. NOT HIREABLE EVER.
  11. DO NOT HIRE THIS PERSON, Stolen equipment and fuel never answered the phone, kept truck hostage in MS, damaged the trailer, DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT.
  12. Left the truck in New Orleans!
  13. Abandoned truck with loaded trailer in Houston!! No answer on the phone at all. We got freight guard..
  14. This guy is the laziest driver in the world. Drove 300 miles and was immediately fatigued. Had to take off the next day. We booked him a load back to the yard, but he didn't pick it up, turned the truck around and headed 500 miles home to Salisbury, NC and ABANDONED the truck at a truck stop. DO NOT HIRE, AVOID THE HEADACHE.
  15. BE AWARE. Worked with us for 3-4months. After couple of weeks starter not picking up the phone. Telling his safety that he will leave the company, and then his dispatcher way different things. After two more months of trying to work with the guy, he went home and turned off his phone. We had to recover our truck .
  16. Driver do not work in each company more than 4 weeks. Accidently was overpaid, so he left the company right away, abounded a truck in Florida. Waist of time, not worthy to hire.
  17. Known drug user. Not reliable at all. Two accidents in two weeks and did not report them, had to find out myself. Does not like pre trip or post trips. Plays with logs a lot. Purposely messes logs for corrections. Threatened to abandon truck and trailer a couple times, then denied it.
  18. Huge property damage and quit
  19. Driver finished drug test, we buy him a plane ticket, when he arrived in Chicago just disappeared, block our numbers, no answer at all, Hire at own risk, he want to start ASAP but in the end just needed ride to Chicago.
  20. Truck abandonment
  21. TonyL

    Jason Pitz

    Did all hiring process, arranged a drug test, then just disappeared
  22. This person is very unprofessional driver, think twice before hiring him. He is very talented in telling lies, difficult to communicate while he is on the road, always looking for excuses. Personally communicated with brokers, changed appointment times and did not inform dispatch about that. The last day of employment returned damaged truck and book room in hotel on company's name. Overall, his damages for company, money wise is much bigger than his earnings.
  23. Very good driver.
  25. TonyL

    Larry Tart

    - Late on every load we had - Fights with dispatch - Constantly unplugs ELD - Got a call from a towing company that he left the trailer unattended with the trailer doors open and product showing. Someone contacted the customer for this load and we almost lost the broker because of that. - Got directions to head to the terminal, but showed up without trailer which he conveniently abandoned in Hammond IN. this is all in 3 weeks he was with us. Hire at your own risk
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