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Everything posted by Modesttrans

  1. Lazy driver, want to drive 8-5PM, always late. See pictures - left truck like that, so think about Your equipment before he gets in to it.
  2. After signing lease agreement he stop responding the call, very unprofessional
  3. Skip this guy, you will save yourself a lot of trouble
  4. Has every exuse in the book not to drive, Too Likely selling fuel at the pump. For 1800 miles he spent $3500 ! When confronted said was burning fuel ideling. Coudnt come up with better explanation.
  5. Heads up guys, Jim needs 50 bucks again.....
  6. The slowest driver ever, late on every pickup or delivery. 0 knowledge of ELD. Holding equipment as hostage and asking for cash advances. Having his wife riding with him. . If you want a headache go ahead and hire him!
  7. took truck and disapearred in houston.Called again said he is ready,we sent load info but he never picked up .Trying to recover truck and trailer now !!!!Another time waster
  8. Bought drugs, caused an accident hitting 5 cars in total. Then police chase started and he finally flipped the truck and tried to run.
  9. We pay for the ticket for the flight , drug test and hotel. After the drug test he was sent to the hotel and on the following morning he vanished.
  10. Bad driving performance
  11. Driver took drug test and plane ticket was bought for. Costing the company over $500 He also told theCOO of the company that he was coming. At the last minute the driver decided not to show. This driver is unreliable and is a risk for every company.
  13. Driver was approved. Chronic job hopper and called after approval 24 hours later demanding higher pay or wouldnt come. Not a person of his word. Dont waste resources.
  14. This driver is prohibited from operating commercial vehicle. as of March 2021 has 2 positive drug tests on his clearing house record. Cocaine. I think he is running around looking for foolish companies to hire him and to get cash advances.
  15. FOR LOCAL JOB BUILD ONLY , home man , has to watch his wife , scared that she go to other man , person not build for trucking , more for sitting home , agreed 5 days , barely makes 4.5 days , with requests starting on tuesday when he will be home or he needs to be home friday early , overall , no money from him ,
  16. Got truck run away psycho asked loads for 5$
  17. Like inform you - what a dangerous driver it's !!!!! Made a accident on construction road - not informed police. Trailer damage very badly. After that load hostage !!!! Dropped truck and trailer !!!!!! Never returned equipment. Please stay away from him - don't trust him. !!!!!!!!!
  18. When he start driving everything looks good, than driver took cash advance and abandon truck .
  19. she cant drive, no responsibility, not safe driver, got violations from DOT
  20. She left the truck and just text that she is leaving. The reason is that the truck can’t go more than 75mph. So she wants to fly with the truck. We provide her flight ticket she overslept, than we provide her another one and pay $400 for it and she came and left the truck at the market parking next to the airport. Hour before she left she said everything is perfect. Be carefull
  21. Unacceptable behavior. Stay away. Fighting with everybody for no reason. Doesn't answer the phone while driving!!! Not talking about texting , no calls while driving. Impossible to work with. looks good on paper , has a clean MVR , has experience but I guess tired of the job already. Good luck...
  22. driver abandoned the equipment without completing the delivery in another state
  23. Home puppy , too many requests , after request another request , taking wrong routes just get home , don't like any routes just towards home , put 300 extra miles on 1500 trip , money has to be paid him right away , with no delays , but not sending his paperwork on time , saying you can wait , i have to get paid , a month of nightmare ended , and no ability to rehire again EVER
  24. Don't waste your time this guy is good for accidents, disconnecting his ELD and driving hundreds of miles illegally, and asking for advances for truck repairs. To top off everything he abondoned a loaded trailer and didn't leave the BOL's, have the courtesy to let us know he was quiting, or even let us know where the trailer was.
  25. At the beginning he was driving well, but started to ask his money earlier than paycheck day. Every week he had different problems (late to pay rent, daughter goes to the army, pay child support). He disappeared before Christmas, but after a few days, he called and told another story, that he was in jail for stabbing person for racist remarks, but he could not provide any paperwork. Lying about his time to pick up, delivery. His 2 trailer tires blew off, we changed it on the road, then next day the same 2 tires blew off, we spoke with road service, and they explained that driver hit side of the trailer, so we charged Anthony half price of these 2 tires and explained him that he hit the trailer. Next day he wrote text message to dispatcher that we extorting him and he is leaving the truck abandoned in GA.
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