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Everything posted by Modesttrans

  1. Driver started to work in our company on Thursday, done 1 load and pick up 2nd for the weekend. Stayed in same location for 4 days. Next week she abandon trailer with a load and disappeared for another day. We had to recover dropped load with another driver. We asked driver to return truck back to terminal and she refused to do that. We had to report tractor as stolen. We find out that she was in the truck with all her family with husband and kid as was using truck to have some where to sleep in. We faced tremendous finance loss and got faced broker to shut us down for such inconvenience driver made. DO NOT HIRE !
  2. Short temper, angry driver, Destroyed our Truck equipment, dropped trailer in memphis, dropped truck in TX, both needed separate recoveries. ELD, Dashcam, Prepass stolen. And he wanted to finish 2 weeks with us "PROPERLY" so much for that properly...Never to be hired again by us
  3. Took truck for a hostage and was selling parts on the internet. Made an accident while driving. Do not hire this fellony.
  4. He and his co-driver Shoaib Akthar drove for us less than a week. Ended up dropping off loaded trailer at the yard at night and disappearing. On top of this, they behavior indicated may red flags that they are not serious drivers from the beginning; however, we still gave them a chance. Unless you want a headache – stay away from both of these drivers.
  5. Cameron called us when he got thrown out of his previous truck and was sitting in a baseball park in Chicago with his dog on the bench without a dime in his pocket. We gave him a job and paid for a hotel so that he can start fresh and clean. He drove for two weeks, barely made any of pickups and deliveries on time and then abandoned our truck in California 2000 miles away. SAVE YOUR MONEY AND DON'T HIRE THIS DRIVER!
  6. Looking for a job again. Very arrogant guy.
  7. Waste of time. Abandon vehicle, after week decided he will do 2 week notice, with first load went back home, truck got towed he got the truck back, stayed another 2 days emailing saying his phone service of, when in the end of the week got loaded, parked the truck improperly, truck got towed for a second time at witch point we fired him. Peace of trash waist of time (P.S. HIS LAWYERS WILL CALL YOU!)
  8. WATCH OUT!!! CRIMINAL!! Stolen companies equipment ! Was very rude with everyone, dispatcher didn't even want to work with him.. Cursing all the time.. Rude, not professional.. Left damage on truck and trailer after police returned equipment from him. WATCH OUT!!!
  9. Driver hauling loads for someone else while he is on home time with our truck/trailer. We got him arrested in Pedricktown , NJ in Walmart facility doing a delivery!!!
  10. Do not recorded this driver! This driver just isn't a good driver overall
  11. Four accidents in six months. Last one, he totaled a 2016 Volvo truck. We got a load ready for him on Friday, he wasn't responding to our phone calls and messages. He finally picked up a phone on Monday telling us he doesn't work for us anymore. Couple of loads are delayed because of him.
  12. We paid for all travel expenses for this driver. Including fuel. He took the truck and first load cross to his house to take all personal belongings. He dropped the truck 1000 miles away from the terminal and texted that to come to work for us it was a joke for him. Do not hire a driver if you don't want to get inbound trucks far away from the terminal. Looks like this driver is not serious and the starting process for him is just a joke.
  13. This driver was waist of money and time. We paid him the fuel to come to the office(from SC to IL), paid for the drug test, hotel to go and rest after the trip and the second day he just disappeared.
  14. Drove around for 3 hours looking for the pickup destination, could not find it, drove back empty to the yard. Let him go immediately. Doesn't have a working GPS. Phone is constantly dying. Doesn't have money. The usual story of a broke driver.
  15. He came for the orientation, and then it turned out that he had no experience in driving DRY VAN, We paid for his hotel, but he became annoying, constantly called, threatened, and set conditions. In the end, he started yelling at us, left the hotel, and left a bad comment on our work. He lied in his biography. Very bad person. AVOID HIM AT ANY COST!
  16. Spoke to Daniel, Gave him all of our company info. He agreed to come. Scheduled drug test we pay for it, he even took the test. He said he wanted to come by renting his own car instead of a plane. On the day of Orientation he never showed up and he stopped replying to communication before that. Waste of money and waste of time. In these times, companies have no extra money to waste on this people that just play with companies wanting to give them an income.
  17. Bought this guy a ticket, landed and then came with an idea that he will go with another company. I paid for the flight, this guy wasted my time and money. Do not hire him, not reliable. Owes me over $300.
  18. in the beginning he seamed like a normal driver, after the first load he started show his attitude, extremely rude, always crying about his childhood.. later he started refusing loads and keep asking for money.. he does have serious anger issues so be careful if you ever consider to hire him
  19. This driver was extremely slow with all of his deliveries and did not want to leave his truck. We ultimately let him go.
  20. In our experience with Adam, This guy abandoned the truck and load IN A DOCK, a true psy*ho, he is not right in the head. Do not hire this driver
  21. After a week with the company decided to kidnap the load and asked $1000 to give it back. We were forced to pay it to avoid issues with customer. After that abandoned the truck and trailer. This guy is a scammer, he should be arrested. Stay Away!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Problems started after 1 week of working - he suggested that company pays for his new Med.card (as he doesn't need it, it's company's problems), then shouted at me and sent me letters, that he's quitting on Fri. Next Mon - letters, that he's coming back and never meant to quit. The guy is crazy... came screaming at everyone in the office, including CEO, swearing at the CEO, and when fired after such behavior - threatens that he will go to court... Not to tell, that I've bought him a 2nd ticket to come to IL as he 'forgot what day it was'.. and as soon as he came - started to be an infantile drama queen and a problem for everyone.. Hire if you have nowhere to spend your money and nervous system
  23. So we got a phone call from someone on the road in FL saying that our driver is fighting with someone in the truck and they shattered the window. Called the driver, first, he lied about having his fiance with him, then he finally confirmed having her with him and said that she accidentally shot a gun and damaged the window and that they are in the hospital until we finally got information that driver might be arrested and that his fiance is transferred to another hospital and that they won't let him see her, last info we got was that he shoot his fiance. He ended up going into a mental hospital and not jail.
  24. After being very nice and polity at recruiting, we purchase a flight ticket for the driver and he did not show, did not even call us to let us know. Strongly recommend NOT Hire, waist of time and money.
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