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Everything posted by Dispatch247

  1. Left without notice and then abandoned the truck near his house in MS, very difficult personality!!
  2. Driver decided to head home without any kind of notice and then abandoned the truck. We had to fly out to recover our truck. We would never rehire this driver.
  3. This driver had poor communication skills with dispatch, safety, and maintenance departments. He threatened the T/A Repair shop that he was going to kill them. This led to T/A banning him for life. Upon his return to our corporate office, he stalked and threatened the HR manager. All of these incidents led to his termination. Please be advised that he definitely is a do not hire. Thanks
  4. Never on time, stays home for a month or more at a time, promises - but never deliver!
  5. Liar and scammer. He said he would be at our yard on Monday then switched to Wednesday because as he said his house caught on fire. Then he called to come on Wednesday, we bought him a plane ticket but he never showed up. He just used the ticket and he wasted money on him! Avoid this driver, he sounds very nice and polite but he just wants to take advantage and scam you for money!
  6. Scam , asking for money for lift and run away SCAM SCAM SCAM beware of this idiot
  7. AVOID !!! The guy is not stable, very violent. Fighting with people all the time. Acting dumb because it is easier. Not worth it!
  8. Ticket was purchased never showed up finally get a message he was in hospital….. Days later tried reaching him no response then he was applying through other recruiter once we asked why he is not coming to the company he was approved for blocked everyone.
  9. Very dishonest, left the company without 2 weeks .
  10. This driver lease the truck. Issues 1. Accepting and then canceling the loads 2. Purposely taking out log device how he can cheat and putting company in jeopardy After we told him that he need to return truck how we can change ELd and be able to see if he continue to do that he just said that his mother is sick and telling us he will return the truck but purposely he decide to keep it how company can loose the money. 3-4 times he said he is coming and always lied. 3.He just left the truck and when we come to pick up the truck it was damaged. We will not recommend this driver at all and we can show the proof of this statement
  11. Dorcus was a team driver w/ her partner Rodney Hudlin. They drove for about 2 months with a few minor issues. When we would speak with them we would always ask if they were happy, and they would always say yes. Then without any notice, as they had a load that was going to be dropped in Michigan, they drove the truck & trailer back to our yard, parked it and left without any explanation. We have reached out over 10 times to find out what happened, if they had some emergency, or if we could do something to help, they have still not responded. Avoid her and her co-driver Rodney Hudlin at all costs.
  12. Very emotionally unstable man. Called him one time to talk about the job. He completely lost it and threaten to physically hurt me. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME> RUN
  13. Complete waste of time and energy. Pretends he understands everything but in the end knows nothing. Never on time no matter what kind of load he does. Doesn't turn in BOLs on time. Has a dog, truck is a complete mess.
  14. Lazy driver, O experience with ELD. Out of 48 states he goes only in 3, using equipment just as a place to stay. Always with demands, there is no load that is good enough for him, always looking for excuses to stay empty. Constantly arguing with dispatcher and not letting no one to talk. Waste of time, be aware!
  15. Driver has serious gambling issues. Accidents, damages after spending all night in the casino. Left after bringing damaged truck
  16. The driver was scheduled for hiring, our company bought him a flight ticket to Chicago, IL, booked him a hotel for 3 nights during the weekend, so he'd start working on Monday. He didn't respect that, fled back home, though he lied that has no money to do so and didn't pass the orientation. After all, he was cheeky enough to prefer the truck to operate with as a company driver and to get paid for his coming back to Chicago. He fled, because of made up reasons. This driver is completely unreliable for hire!!!
  17. Do Not Hire this driver!! At orientation he was not listening and seemed out of focus on anything we spoke to him about. From day 1 he had ELD issues and was violation every day, he got citations, multiple violations on roadside inspections, etc. After we informed him about the consequences of misconduct he started to scream at everyone and created billing issues as well. He abandoned the truck/trailer fully loaded and threatened to disconnect the reefer, cut the tires and pour sugar into the fuel tank.
  18. Terminated - During the employment, the driver hasn't reported that he had a positive drug test before being employed in the former company. According to our company policy, he was terminated considering that our company doesn't allow drivers with positive drug tests.
  19. the guy deliver a load in Rotterdam NY and went all the way to Burlington VT and drop my truck there took all the bills left the truck with all lights so can dry the battery and did not answer on the phone don't hire him
  20. Michael took a drug test for us he also took a hair follicle test for us. One hour of confirming his plane ticket that he agreed to we bought the ticket. The entire process he told us that he was coming. At the last minute he told us a local company would be paying him $2000 a week to work in Kansas. We are putting this out here so that other companies know that he is a liar and we highly do not recommend for hire. He Was also warned that he would be going on CDL scan and did not care. His last words was he has been threatened by better than me so its obvious hes done this before with other companies. We have a company file on record we can show if any other companies need to see. It's never our intention to hurt drivers but when they lie and cost the company money they rightfully should be put right here where they're at.
  21. All he does is use companies to get free rides, surprised that no one has reviewed him.
  22. BEWARE HE'S A THIEF !!!!!!!! Started with our company 1 month ago. First 3 loads he was late to delivery because he feels drivers should have an option to be late. He is OTD driver yet wants to sleep 20 hours a day and not drive. The biggest thing is that he dropped off the truck few days ago for service in a different state & he was supposed to pick it up next day to go to another load. He just disappeared. He did not pick up any of our calls or texts! We had to fly out to get our truck and found that he stole our mattress and some other things from the truck. DO NOT HIRE HIM! Very irresponsible, unorganized, lazy, careless person.
  23. BEWARE! At first driver looked good, he told us that he's not good with logbooks, so he will need our help. After three weeks driver started to get lazy. Always late, 200-300miles per day. Not responding, always tired and need to get some rest. He got loaded and just texted his dispatcher : "I'm sorry, I can't do this anymore" and abandoned equipment with loaded trailer in WY.
  24. Dropped the truck in MN even though was driving to through the yard, when asked to bring the truck back, said I don't care and you can pick it up yourself. Not reliable, almost impossible to get through to him any day, sleeping until end of business day everyday, as a team driver refusing to go to 90% of states, only want to stay in mid-west. Cannot even follow GPS, and driving in circles all the time. not a single time arrived to delivery on time.
  25. Abandoned trailer
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