Be careful with this driver. Do not hire him. We did employment verification and this is what some companies said: " he is always picky about trucks. No matter what you do for him he doesn't like anything. I don't want him to destroy all of your dispatchers, I know him personally, he changed probably around 15 companies, he never stays long in the company, and there are always problems". Despite that we still gave him a chance and provided him with 2022 new truck. He worked only for 4 days!!! Very mean driver, not possible to communicate with him, swears on a dispatcher, hangs up if he doesn't want to listen what you have to say. When he started working he said that he can work only from 8am-8pm (which is a big problem for a dispatcher, especially with Keeptrucking logbook)... despite that, dispatcher still worked with him. Then Vasyl Vasylenko started picking loads (and he is a company driver) and roads that he wants to drive on. He didn't care if total miles were good for him, or not. He wanted to drive only to the West, no East at all. And our dispatcher still worked with him.
When Vasyl got to the last delivery, he waited there only for 1 hour, caused huge problems with our customer to the point that they almost called police, and he left without delivering a load. He brought the load to the yard, refused to deliver it, and said "your dispatcher took this load, tell him to deliver it".
We should have listened to previous companies where he worked, but we gave him a chance. This is probably one of the most complicated drivers I've seen.