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Everything posted by Dispatch247

  1. Really good driver, will hire him again.
  2. Sounds nice at first but it has been a nightmare from day 1. Always late. No communication. Bad with ELD. Doesn't take care of the equipment. Fired.
  3. He came to the company, and after orientation asked for a load home to get additional stuff. He got a load from IL to Dallas. After delivery he went empty to EL Paso, without notifying anybody and abandoned truck and trailer.
  4. After home time she failed to pick up a load big issues with the broker, stop answering the phone and abandoned truck in 800 miles away from yard
  5. This driver left our equipment far away from our office. Do not hire!
  6. Super sketchy guy, he is not listing all the companies he worked for on the app. He has multiple truck abandonments and it takes one google search to figure out what would you be dealing with. Beware, he is in the Chicago area.
  7. This guy always late for appointment, and always has reasons why he did it.
  8. This man is a fraud. The company paid for his plane ticket to come to Orientation. When he got to Chicago, he stopped answering the phone. Waste of money and time. Don't hire him.
  9. Constant complainer. Acts like he knows and understands everything. Went to a PU, did not pickup a load, drove empty to the receiver with an unloaded trailer without any explanantion. Does not take care of equipment. Blowing up tires left and right because he does not watch the PSI. Stole the tablet holder from the truck worth $125. Brought the truck back in filthy condition, 1 messed up tire, side steps bent. Avoid him.
  10. This driver worked with us for a week. Late on every delivery and threatening broker to pay more money to delivery the load
  11. Very bad driver attitude! When he came to the orientation he had red flags already, rushing and constantly looking at the girls - distracted by the girls in the office. We let that go and gave him a chance. When he started driving he was all good, couple months in he started not replying, being very rude to the disptacher. Did an accident, never stopped or called us. He did not answer the phone, started driving where he wanted, ignored us full time and abandoned the truck. He kept telling us how he is fithing with mental issues and stressed is. I think he is a big liability to the company and it's better to avoid someone like him. He also abandoned our company truck and never returned to the yard, drove a lot of empty miles.
  12. Had to come to our company for orientations. But canceled the flight. Afterwards contacted us again with an interest of joining us again. And at the end ghosted. Not reliable
  13. At first, he seemed very nice, professional. Once he took off, problems started. He just felt it in his gut that the truck he was assigned was not safe (the truck was safe) he was calling everyone at the office just complaining about practically nothing. And then he got sick. Couldn't tell us what illness he had. Stayed at a truck stop for 2 weeks to get better.
  14. Driver seemed nice at the beginning.. Once he started working we noticed that he was always late on pick up and delivery.. After that he started complaining about the battery in the truck and didn't want to drive.. Once he left the company he started threatening that he will sue based on the fact that he thinks he deserved $15.000 more based on his performance.. Now he claims he is actually a lawyer.. He is not okay in his head, has at least 2 or 3 personalities!! Better stay away from him
  15. Abandoned the truck and stole equipment from the truck.
  16. This is a very strange, stupid and rude man. He constantly argues with the dispatcher, responds rudely to brokers, was late for all appointments, does not answer calls and SMS. Don't hire him if you don't want problems.
  17. Tarpley is working for us right now. So far so good.
  18. took truck to MS, refused to return it. Stopped taking calls, proceeds to bad mouth us to potential drivers via FB after barely being able to drive 8k miles a month. He always had to go home for spousal issues and doc appointments, always had too many excuses not to work.
  19. turned off the log, and abended loaded truck/trailer somewhere in TX, we are still trying to recover it. He answered the phone and said the truck probably wont be here for long it will get towed and he does not care about it.
  20. SCAMMER!! Abandoned truck across country and committed fraud with the fuel card. Sounds very nice at first. Got the truck, drove for 2 weeks, received his full check, then made a story he needs few more days at home and drained the fuel card and abandoned the truck in El Paso. STAY AWAY FROM THIS SCAM ARTIST!!
  21. Quit without notice, not serious driver. We highly do not recommend this driver!
  22. Took the loaded equipment as hostage on a second day of his job. Asking for money to make his first delivery, threatening everyone. Stay away from this guy, 10 years in trucking business but acts just crazy.
  23. Do not waste your time on this driver. We bought a flight ticket, arrived, filled out an application, got training, and got a new truck. At 2 am we received a text message, that he won't start work, he is going back to Houston.
  24. Don't ever give change to this fucker to screw you!
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