This company is crooked. They should be shut down and put in jail and the keys thrown away!
I delivered a load, sent pictures, everyone signed off on load no problems or damage what so ever. Few days later I received an email about the company reporting damage to the load and I needed to fill out the forms they sent and send back. I called the company and they stated that there was not any damage to the load but that it was a designated load and in the pictures that I sent showed another partial load on the trailer, therefore the rate would be deducted. I researched all my documents and communicated with my dispatcher and there is absolutely no evidence indicating that this was a designated load. I was given the contact number to a supervisor. My dispatcher and I call multiple times leaving multiple messages to please contact me in this matter. No contact whatsoever. I received 2 separate emails from my Factoring Company today that they put in 2 separate claims totalling $1500.00 which was the rate of the entire load.
The took back every penny. This is absolutely ridiculous and illegal. I will not allow this company to get away with stealing from my family! They need to be shut down immediately!
A claim against their bond will be filed immediately!
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