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       (1 review)

    Sir Michael
    • MC Number: 540690

    Be aware CUSTOMERS and CARRIERS!!!!! Their brokers division is very Unethical and unprofessional! They will not pay you and screw you every chance they get. Same goes to Customers! Stay away from them!! take your business someone good. They do not pay their carriers! So if you do not want your loads to get ruined by some unpaid and frustrated carriers take your business to a ethical and professional brokers!! If don’t trust me check their rating on DAT they have 1 out 5 stars from Carriers. That will tell you about their business practices. Let’s talk about situation first thing first. Update the Response———- he offered $127 For 14 hrs of detention after 30-50calls for 3 weeks!!(4 hrs at shipper, 10hs at 1st receiver) and for additional stop which was 50miles away! All together “$127”! (Which cast us about $300-$400 besides the $1100 load they made us cancel so we can take their fright to the 2nd destination) And it was all During Hurricane ida!! That was exactly there attitude once load is delivered they won’t care!! They treat carriers very bad!! But don’t worry once your customer see these reviews (again please check their ratings and reviews on DAT!!!!!) will hold you accountable for your horrible actions!! And poor planning from our side?? How ?? Lol Sir my driver got to the receiver 30 mins before appointment!! Shipper put wrong product on truck is not our poor planning!!! It’s your fault you pay for it You guys were reported about whole situation during 10 hrs via emails and phone! Shame on you guys ripping off essential works!! Shame on those unethical work practices!

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    Let me tell
    You what this “people” are doing, they get so many trucks at the same time, in that little street parked all over that tight street, to wait 5+ hrs(they take round 1:30hrs per truck, if youre lucky, witch is unacceptable for 12k lbs loads!!!!) to pick up their load to RWJ warehouse in lockport IL, and they take SO MUCH TIME to load cause they’re incapable of doing that too. So ALL of us are now stuck at the delivery, LOOSING a day of work, cause they are incapable of managing their own loads! In addition to that, they don’t answer their phone when dispatchers call to ask what’s going on! And asking them to book different appointment for the same day! It’s cause they know, there’s no other appointment! I picked this load 3 times, every time same thing! Also this is confirmed for an RWJ employee that i managed to ask why is this happening, and that person also told me that this company/broker, is always booking early appointments, cause no one wants to book later appointments, cause no trucking company wants late delivery appointments of course, i wrote this do trucking companies and dispatchers, so they know what they are getting into!!!

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