We gave this driver many chances to prove himself as a driver. He boasted about being a hard runner, couldn't wake up in the morning. Later we found out that he is a gamer. Plays video games in his truck on his off hours, which is fine. It only becomes an issue when he couldn't get up in the morning to make deliveries. Sleeper time for most drivers average 10-11hrs, Mr. Boyd is 15hrs. When he has to drive early he make mistakes, one such mistake turning into a customer's driveway (left turn), turned so wide that he hooked the guideline on the electrical pole that was in the grass. No property damage to the customer, plenty of damage to his truck. Next incident was him pulling into a facility just to turn around and wasn't paying close enough attention and the trailer struck the gate upon entry (left turn). Company paid for new gate and concert post. He is not reliable or re-hirable.