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Everything posted by Mitchaelregie

  1. Abandoned truck in OH unresponsive thinking that he smarter then everyone else will always demand what he wants does not care about companies policies hire at your own risk.
  2. truck as found without batteries all them he stole
  3. Quit without much notice and didn't bring the truck back, left it in his home state and we had to go retrieve it
  4. Guy is complete idiot Showed up with story how he lived 10 lives so far and being reincarnated 10 times and he lived With France and British kings, and he served Pope in one life, and he lived with Inca people too. And he gets upset non stop and we paid Airplane and two hotels and he got truck he wanted and he said this is not gonna work out... Crazy 100% do not waist time on him he don't know how to use gps literally
  5. nice guy, but did not work out for us as driver does not speak English, cannot communicate with shippers/ receivers, and we just had too many issues because of it.
  6. No matter how many times you can bed him "do not disconnect logbook, he will still do it. Terminated after we found that he had a 2 y.o. baby with him in a truck for a while. He was even trying to convince me that this is legal and no problem. After termination threats with attorneys, lawsuits etc... Avoid - its a waste of time and your money.
  7. Dose not know how to organize work . Complain to much . Stop to much keep pushing reset for next morning. Eld experience zero. Demages on truck yes dose not know how to take care equipment. Have inspect equipment on your own because they will get you in trouble . Will not hire him again. Stay a way if you can
  8. https://chicago.suntimes.com/crime/2022/3/22/22992256/burr-ridge-shooting
  9. Talked to driver, he agreed to work for us, bought him a flight ticket for evening. Texted in the morning and said he has family emergency and cannot come. Then asked to re-schedule flight for the next day. Did that and he never came. Flight ticket wasted. Be careful and make sure he actually flies out if you hire him.
  10. unexperienced driver, still in his follow up process with the drug test, unprofessional, threatening the company workers, and asking for personal information. Asking every day to fire someone since he is always right! Damaged truck and demanded money after he received his last paycheck (on time).
  11. driver shop around quit whit no notice did accident his fault
  12. DO NOT HIRE !!! Abandoned truck, has criminal background.
  13. Stay as far away from Prince as possible. Came on to be an owner operator for us and when he got his load, he disabled his ELD and broke almost every DOT rule in the book. He quit in November and never returned our log book (tablet) and camera. He showed up in our office un-announced demanding a mileage report that had been emailed to him over 6 weeks ago. We asked him to check the email address we have on file to see if there is a mis-spelling, and this set him off. He tried to physically harm our fleet manager, but was stopped by someone else in the office and we had to call the local police department to have him removed. I would strongly urge anyone who is thinking of hiring him to stay away, or proceed with caution.
  14. Unreliable,unsafe,lazy.
  15. Only did one run for us, called every day with complaints like "My truck doesn't have a CD player" (our trucks are 2021-2022), "Can I get a blue truck when I come back" and when he came back to the yard, he and his co-driver Benjamin Hinton left the truck and stopped responding to our calls.
  16. At first, he seems like someone with whom you will not have a problem but dispatchers had a really hard time with him. He always had a problem with loads and complained about them so we made a decision to terminate him. Didn't take it so well and started cursing and sending mean emails to our accounting dpt.
  17. He come across like a nice guy, but he is actually a fraud. Company bought him a ticket , but he already have 5 AIR tickets from another companies and did not respond to anyone from the office. At the and he was laughing and pretending like everything is fine, without appologize to the office. Stay away from this driver.
  18. stay away of this Driver. He was working for 2 weeks and left the truck and trailer at the truck stop and desapeared for no reason. He never answered on the phone, text or emails.
  19. DO NOT hire this driver. Abandoned the truck, disconnected from the trailer. Both got towed. Drives only at night and always late. Super irresponsible and super unreliable.
  20. Very rude, smoked in the truck, even he wasnt allowed , left the truck idling no attended with the load….and he left to hotel. Complaining about everything.
  21. The driver kept lying to us for weeks. He said he was interested in the position but kept changing his arrival date every single time we talked. After wasting six weeks of our time he disappeared completely. I would not waste time and money on this driver.
  22. Driver is a drug addict!!!! don't hire, run! took our truck at 6 in the morning, side swiped, and crashed over 16 cars. Drove high out of his mind, ended up in jail. cook county let this man free, and he most likely got to keep his CDL. Beware of this driver refer to this news article: https://chicago.cbslocal.com/2021/12/07/semi-truck-driver-plows-into-cars-southwest-side/ ALSO feel free to just google his name, he has a giant troubled past.
  23. Did the drug test, was negative, never answered the phone from that moment, we called him for days.
  24. Stay away! The guy has issues. Got arrested on his 2nd trip for throwing stones over passing vehicles. Spend 1 week in jail since nobody wanted to pay his bond. After recovering the truck we found stones, rocks ,dozens of candles and a bucket full of s***. Very nasty person.He came to pick up his stuff , no reasonable explanation was given. Don't waste your time, the guy is despered.
  25. Went trough the orientation on Friday. The drug test was not ready by time he finish the orientation. Next day around 10 AM text him drug test is ready, truck is ready about to sent him uber. Reading messages but no response. Think twice especially if you paying for the ticket, hotels etc.
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