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Everything posted by Mitchaelregie

  1. After all the screening, drug test and all we bought him a flight ticket and brought to Chicago, spent like 440$, and at his arrival he said that he changed his mind and he will go back to MD to work for a friend of his. Promised to pay back the money we spent with him in 1 week, and then disappeared.
  2. Worked for us for three months, left for hometime and we paid for tickets home, we bought the ticket to come back but he never did, no call no text, left the truck in bad shape
  3. Never,Never,Never hire this driver !!! ,abandoned the truck and trailer blocked dispatch and owner calls ,He doesn't want follow any HOS and Unsafe driving rules ,very rude with dispatch and safety department not answering the calls . Terminated for Ever !!! If you need more info about this person you can send me message .
  4. Made several damages on the equipment (truck and trailer) in less than 2 months. No damages on car transporting because we do can transport. Slow with loading and unloading cars but that is not that bad. He doesn't care about safety and the most important making stories and don't saying the truth.
  6. left the truck with a load and does not answer the phone
  7. I cannot express the terror we had working with this imbecile. He seemed friendly over the phone and at the orientation but when he got into the truck is when the horror started. Cash advance driver that called every other day to get the advance, and when he passed the limit for it he threatened multiple times to not deliver the load or steal it, unless we meet his demands. Was late for EVERY single delivery and had a different excuse every time. We had a situation where he claimed that he was pissing blood and wouldn't finish a delivery where in the meantime he was parked in front of casino playing slot games, didnt answer the phone, and after couple of hours he called back to ask for another cash advance. We had to send another driver to recover it. James is a degenerate gambler and pathological liar. One review is not enough to express what kind of guy this is and the issues he caused. In the end we had no other choice than to contact the police to take the truck from him. I can go on, but I would advise to skip hiring him because he will cause you only trouble.
  8. Through out the hiring process the driver was very responsive and polite. Did everything in timely manner and there were no signs for what was going to happen after he was hired. He was stealing fuel money, he had violations with two OOS and we had a situation with stealing load from the trailer (pizza) and with everything that was happening we think he stole it.
  9. Unreliable. Attitude.
  10. This individual is a TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND ENERGY!!! He will act like a real professional and act like he is interested but at the end he will give an irrelevant story on why he can't perform his job duties. He did admit on just using companies for a free ride and how much money he can get from them. I am glad we dodged a bullet but hire at your own risk!!!
  11. Stay away from this guy. Mental issues. Abandoned and vandalized our brand new truck. Thousands of dollars in damages.
  12. Stay away from this driver. Late to pickups and deliveries all the time. Wasnt picking up the phone when we tried calling him for 3 days straight,while he was on a load.He never delivered the load. Went bobtail using the truck for his private matters until he spent the gas and just left it.
  13. This driver has wasted our company time and money so DO NOT HIRE this individual if you do not want your money and time stolen. We paid upfront for hotel and fuel to get him over to our office for orientation. The next day he declared that he quit. It happened so quickly that he did not even begin operating our equipment. We suspect he is running a deceitful scam, going from company to company looking for a job and collecting money before leaving. There was no reason given to us as to why he quit. He just took our money and left. SAVE YOUR TIME. SAVE YOUR MONEY. DO NOT HIRE.
  14. Irresponsible , Lier , Player
  15. Very problematic behavior and bad communication with company representatives
  16. Not reliable, decided to quit in the middle of the load, missed appointment, decided to drop the loaded trailer in the middle of nowhere, and drove bob tail 900 miles home without permission, didn't answer the phone for a while and then told us he would inform us where the truck will be. Of course he never did. We found it by gps, and when we went to recover it, the truck was demolished, roof broken, he probably hit some tree branches, whole truck damaged outside and inside... DO NOT HIRE!!
  17. It was the driver's first week of work, while passing IA state, instead of coming to IL to the delivery facility, the driver took a different interstate and drove to MN where he lived, and required the company to pay his salary upfront otherwise he would not do delivery and would drop the truck in the weight station. The driver ended up leaving the truck with the loaded trailer at the truck stop while taking the company's tablet and truck key with himself and demanding to return if the company pays for 5 days of work. Never returned anything. Be cautious and not recommended for hire.
  18. Quit without notice. Abandoned loaded trailer at the yard.
  19. This driver is phsiho. I'm attaching some of the messages.
  20. Mr. Floyd Foxx caused a lot of problems during his short time with us. Late to shippers and receivers, followed by a bunch of excuses on daily basis. Does not pay attention to Hours of Service, under violations every single day, just drivers as it goes. Damaged a truck very heavily by making a U-turn, and not "noticing" or informing us until back to the yard. We had to ask him about it and Floyd was so surprised how that happened. Now, the highlight of the story, he abandoned the truck in Dallas, TX area after asking for some time at home. The truck was trashed and filthy inside. I don't write reviews but this time I wanted to leave that up here for another company to reconsider before deciding to bring him on board....
  21. this is last isnpecttion with 3x OOS (should be on PSP)- Driver on duty and in possession of a narcotic drug / amphetamine, Hubs - Hub cap missing or broken, Tire-flat and/or audible air leak. when we got truck from him - found have smoked weed joint too.
  22. Worked for us for 5 months and eventually abandoned the truck without any notice. Would not leave after hometime as agreed and would constantly take 1 week off or more after working 10 days or less - not as agreed initially.
  23. Worst guy ever! failed drug test, woke up late 3 times over 2 weeks of working for me. Lied his ass off constantly! Always late. Had to get a warehouse person to wake him up at 11am on a Friday when we are trying to get him a load out over the weekend. STAY AWAY!!
  24. Driver came to the shipper and was refused to get loaded because they found liquor bottles inside the truck. Company was informed about this incident. We reached out to the driver to see why he's not following our company policy and having alcohol beverages inside a cab. After that he didn't answer his phone anymore. He dropped the trailer without anyone knowing, and damaged all GPS wires so we were not able to track the location. Eventually the truck was found at one towing facility. Truck was completely empty, everything that he could take out from the truck was taken. Not to mention all the family issues and emergencies that he had every single weekend. Every time he's heading home , he's not going to answer phone calls or messages for a week without anyone knowing whether he delivers his load or not. Bareilly can drive 1000 miles/ week.
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