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Everything posted by Mitchaelregie

  1. Bad experience with the driver. Drove bad , left the truck in the end, hard to work with.
  2. Dropped a truck without warning OAMB
  3. Driver worked for two weeks, on the third week requested to be urgently routed to the house due to death in the family. After allowing him to take time off, routing him to the house, and waiting for him to take care of the funeral, he then claimed to be sick with Covid. Driver was unable to provide any medical paperwork which confirms this. On the next day upon following up on ppw request, he stated that he will just abandon the units.
  4. Completing every step of the hiring process and at the end he didn't get on his flight. Came up with family emergency and after that he stopped answering. Waste of time and money! Unreliable
  5. This driver worked with us for about a month.. First of all he was SO HARD to work with, he wouldn't answer the phone, he was rude, he talked to people from the company in a very bad way.. Then he left the truck and disappeared.. We had to do the recovery only to find out he left the truck without the trailer, and he stole $800 worth of fuel from the truck, he stole the microwave and the fridge from the truck, he ripped the truck apart. He also changed tires, he took the new ones and he put very bad wore down ones just so he can drop the truck off a few miles away.. He begged to go home for an emergency to steal the trailer apparently.. We called the police on him because we haven't found the trailer but we did file a lawsuit agains him, we will not back down until we find that trailer.. He also asked to go home all the time and as we all know the market has been so bad lately.. He cost us thousands of dollars, and we don't think it's the first time he does something like this.. In 8 years we never had such a bad and diffucult person working with us! Rude, irresponsible guy! DO NOT HIRE if you want to keep your truck and trailer! If you want a full review of this guy you can reach us at +1 (630)485-7370 ext 4 SAFETY Company name: Royal 3 Inc
  6. The driver was very excited to start and completed the hiring process and the drug test. We booked him a flight and, in the morning when he was supposed to go to the airport, said that on the last day, he contacted someone with Covid and he needed to stay at home for 3-5 days, said he is sorry and looking forward to starting with us. We rescheduled the flight but of course, he stopped answering at the end. Think twice before giving him a chance.
  7. Really bad driver, always late, asking for advances non stop. Needed to cancel the load because he decided to go home, and kept making threats how he is going to sell our truck to someone and that he has buyers ready. Stay away.
  8. Disrespectful and angry, he will tell you to f** off at a first chance he gets, and it’s gonna get worse from there. Unreliable and crazy, stay away!
  9. This driver tells that he is really good truck drivers he have his own truck, but doesn't have own trailer. So we gave him a chance in our company. After two weeks of driving he said he is not making more then $7000 a week after everything. But he was late many times on delivery time and pick up, max what he drive in a week was 2000miles. After the third week of driving started simulate. We manage to solve that he was doing illegal deliveries. So we immediately asked him to drive back equipment and deliver trailer to the yard so we can finish this cooperating with this kind a driver. After these words driver used our fuel cards and left truck in NC, but our terminal is in IL. So do not make this mistake again. I would suggest not hire him in you company it might be the same with this guy.
  10. He came in our office, was very polite, was interesting in starting to drive, we spent half a day for orientation, than we sent him to drug test site to take drug test. He took drug test, called and promised to start work in 1 or 2 days because he told he needs a couple of days for his personal reason. We called him and he never answered the phone and later another company told us he did the same. Dont waste time with him.
  11. Does not take care of the truck, worked as rent to own, ended up abandoning truck at the yard with a massive repair bill, did not say anything before leaving, always getting pulled over by DOT for tires and other things that should be noticed doing pre trip
  12. Worked for us back 2020 for a month. Often responds to our job postings with insults and faul language. I believe he is another user that flies under the DT radar. I cut our experince with him short as he was impossible to communicate with, made no sense when spoken to and messed up every load.
  13. We paid for flight ticket for this driver, after got hired we found out that she don't want to drive at night, only in a day time 3-4 hours. And after couple of days she abandoned a truck with a load.
  14. We spent more than $300 expenses and he never showed up. Missed his flight, and is always making up stories. Avoid at any cost!!!!
  15. Lazy no good, waste of time what he calls himself driver. He is such a low scum bag that he went and lied about his mother's passing, driving around with a broad in a truck, his fiancé is shocked as well. If a human can lie about his moms passing, think about how low of piece of Sh*t he is. Stay away, do not hire. He abandoned the equipment while applying for another company out of IL. He could have had a free ride up but was full of sh*t. Always late to appointments. He is a waste of time, so if you do not want your equipment to get abandoned or stolen, suggest not hire this turd.
  16. Worked for us 3 weeks as a rent owner operator, had an accident with truck spinning out in the snow, was asked to pay for winchout only and as a result abandoned truck
  17. Lying and delaying start, dissappearing after every step of the process. Untrustworthy!
  18. Attention, very irresponsible driver, damaged the truck and trailer a lot during working time with us, did not take care at all. He was driving intoxicated and lost control of the truck with the load in the day time , there were no snow or ice. The truck and trailer were damaged beyond repair. The company suffered huge losses due to this driver. Don't hire this driver.
  19. We had very bad experience with Mr. Curry. It was extremely difficult for the dispatch team to work with him. If something doesn’t go his way he uses insulting language with the dispatchers, the brokers, the shippers, the receivers and everyone that comes across his path. If he doesn’t like certain load, he won’t drive. Mr. Curry threatened to burn our truck and the trailer MULTPLE times. He has very poor communications skills, one example of it is that when he goes home he won’t answer our calls nor messages until he decides that wants to go back on the road and we have no idea what’s happening with him or with our equipment.
  20. He was working with us for 3 months and we didn't have any issues with him. He had a load close to his house and our dispatch asked when he's ready to come back over the road. He started to find excuses and in the end he said that his mother is in the hospital and he has to take care of her. That he can't continue. Abandoned truck with trailer
  21. Unserious driver! He has postponed his arrival several times. We booked him a flight which he missed because, at the last moment, he had a family emergency, very unprofessional behavior.
  22. If you want to waste thousands of dollars and get your new truck 2024 abandon in Oklahoma this is the driver for you! We paid him airplane ticket, uber, everything, he come 4 weeks ago with us, got truck 2018, even though we always hire cleaning agency before arrival of any driver, he wasnt satisfied with cleanliness of truck, and thickness of brand new mattress, we dont take escrow and we give minimum garantee pay of 1750$ per week, so we allowed him to go home to OK, clean the truck himself, he wasted few days for that, he starts driving and continues to complain about the truck, so after first load we sent him back to Chicago and gave him 2024 truck, (truck was driven only 2,3 months before him, it was basically NEW), again we hired agency for cleaning, and he took new truck and again he complained about cleanliness of truck, we though he is germaphobic but still we decided to give him a chance and waste again time (and money) so he can clean the truck again. He started to complain again about the new truck (2024) that it needs alignment, so more wasting of time and money because he has minimum guarantee pay per week 1750$, we done alignment, he kept complaining of the small cabin of truck (we use the same model truck for teams and he was solo) then he told he wants days off to move some furniture home, and went home with the truck in OK, and he turn off his mobile phone (I guess he is using other number now) and he is unavailable for 5 days allredy.. We dont hold paychecks, so everything was payed to him, he abused our trust, drove only 3 loads in 3 weeks, we wasted God knows how much money on his garantee pay and his requirements, and now we have abandoned truck in OK... You decide would you give him the chance to work in your company.
  23. Extremely neglect and lazy. 200-300 miles per day is his max. Has no concept of DOT regulations. lives of cash advance calling a few times a day, Always broke. Abandoned loaded truck in Houston.
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