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Everything posted by John541

  1. Do not waste your time with this driver. Ungrateful and rude. He was almost hired by us but in the moment he doesn't get what he wants starts yelling and talking nonsense.
  2. this guy blackmailed us several times that he is going to report us to DOT if we don't send him EFS. Not elegible for rehire.
  3. This driver is a waste of time and money. He does not know what he wants and claims to know it all about transportation. After 3 days he got an overweight and tried to hide it by saying he just wants to quit. After inspecting his truck the odor of marijuana was unbearable. Hire at your own risk!!!
  4. There is one star review about this driver. And it is absolutely accurate. Don't waste your time and money. Paid for drug test, MVR check. Safety spend all day training him. Never showed up for work.
  5. The attitude and rudeness is not worth it. There will be nothing wrong and he will still find a reason to be negative, rude, angry, etc.
  6. This driver is a complete idiot. He applied for the job and kept calling begging to come to work, complaining he has no money and after he did the drug test and was agreed to fly in, he changed his mind last minute and decided not to come because he is dealing with his homeowner insurance for 5 months already.. Don't waste your time and money, he is not worth it. We bought a flight ticket for him that he agreed on and he missed it. When asked why he missed it and what was his plan, he told us not to bother him and to learn how to treat people...
  7. On his first load with us - he turned around half way and brought the truck and loaded trailer back. Left without saying anything. Wasted our fuel and cost us a costumer.
  8. Was a great driver, until recently abandoned a truck with a load.
  9. Not responsible, was driving for couple weeks, simply quit without 2 weeks notice, threatening, rude. Be aware.
  10. DO NOT HIRE ! ! ! Abandoned truck under the load, bad mentality, always problems with him. When we recovered the truck it had destroyed 3 tires on trailer, 2 rims, mudflap bracket, mudflap, & airlines, severely messed up the load, left the truck disgusting, entire truck is stained with blood, among other things, empty beer cans all over the truck, took it for a joyride across a few states with loaded trailer while trailer had two exposed rims for a while.
  11. got employed in a company, received 2022 freightliner. after the 3rd load requested advance , being told that he would receive it on monday, after which he abadoned the truck with the load in it, stole all of the BOLs and the fuel card. highly recommend not to hire. scammer!!
  12. dropped loaded truck
  13. She stole the GPS from the truck, she also broke the ELD tablet. She makes threats about badmouthing our company as well as taking legal actions. She is staying no longer then month in a companies and calling brokers as well all the time.
  14. Driver abandoned the trailer in FL, 1,200 miles away from our yard location.
  15. Driver was involved in a big accident and he did not tell us right away about it. We found out 2 days later. Meanwhile we sent him the Clearinghouse and Driver was Prohibited, I guess he went for the pre employment drug test for another company and tested Positive.
  16. Drove truck empty without being dispatched. Driver's not reliable and is nonprofitable.
  17. AWFUL GUY - quit without two weeks notice, didn't obey company policies, would always disappear randomly for days at a time, also put some foreign agent in the fuel tanks when he quit that shut down the system!!! DO NOT HIRE!!
  18. Driver was lease purchase, driving only 2 3 loads a week, we allow him to put his own driver when that did not work out he said he has a surgery and will be out for no more than 7 days, after 7 days he said doctor told him his recovery will be a month and he can not return the truck to the yard so he abandoned it on a truck stop with an excuse his doctor does not allow him to drive, if he had a surgery doctor had to tell him his recovery period before doing the procedure so all he is saying is a bunch of crap and does not want to bring the truck back. we will be reporting on DAC and other hiring websites.
  19. Was in such a hurry for approval and then drug test took her few days to take finally takes it kept having us hold certain truck for her and then stops replying to all messages and calls was able to read them. She is a waste of time
  20. Leased a truck from us, and a few months later the truck had some mechanical issues. We loaned him money to repair the truck and he kept stalling coming back for over six months. Our truck is still not in our possession and he is hiding the trailer from us.
  21. Abandoned his truck while he was in a lease purchase program
  22. Didn't come to the office. Truck was ready for this person, appointment was scheduled him. In the morning when the flight was he canceled the flight and told that he will come the next day , and then disappeared. Very irresponsible driver. Imagine if he will ask you to buy the ticket and he will decide that he will come there the next day. With that kind of attitude looks that he can decide that he can go to the delivery the next day also.
  23. Stay away from the driver. He abandoned our truck with a load. He is really bad at communication and 100% NOT reliable. Save your time and money, he is not worth of it.
  24. After some time working with us, something has been changed, left the truck did not answer the phone.
  25. Do not waist time on this driver, Clearing House in bad standing. Driver lied about it being clean, we just waisted money on travel expenses and Pre-Employment test. Even if he gets clearing house in good standing we think he's is not mentally stable.
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