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Everything posted by John541

  1. pick up truck and gone
  2. Flake, driver took the drug test then stopped answering calls,
  3. Wendito did company paid drug test, filled out driver employment application and agreed to drive for us. I had a truck parked waiting for him for a few days which he was supposed to start driving on Monday. During a weekend he ignored all texts and calls, and so on Monday went with different company without giving me any notice. Wasted my time and money. Not serious and not honest. Not recommending hiring.
  4. quit no notice abandon truck
  5. The driver doesn't know how to drive and did the jackknife on the first day of work. Don't hire him.
  6. Arguing with dispatch, going AWOL, abandoned our equipment.
  7. hit the trailer and abandonate the truck after fist load
  8. Left, no reason given
  9. STAY AS FAR AS YOU CAN! Not a good driver, attitude -10000 out of 10, BULLY! He looked like a very nice driver at first, but that is not who he is. You don't want to hire him if you're avoiding any claims or accidents....
  10. Driver drove as a lease driver for us for about a month, in which he managed to accumulate a negative of over $5k because any load we provided him, he managed to make it at least a day late. In the end he abandoned the equipment in his hometown. I would not hire this driver for the reason of being lazy and underperforming at all times.
  11. Never trust and hire him. Murtaza Ghulam brought a bouquet of violations in the first week.Speeding 11-14 mph over the speed limit.Unsafe left line change-cut of passenger car.Driver on duty and in POSSESSION OF NARCOTIC DRUG. POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA.Using a radar detector.
  12. Went home and didn't start as we agreed on bc of unbelievable family problems! Day after day situation was complicated, and after almost a week we went to recover our equipment. The trailer was left unattended and unsecured at Burger King's parking. The truck was used for personal needs, and disconnected from ELD.
  13. Terminated, she worked for our company 2 weeks , than she stole the truck, called with bad words and threatens us. Do not hire her. Save your money and nerves.
  14. This driver had numerous complaints throughout his time with our company, which was only two months. He ceased communication with our company while still having one of our trailers in his possession. It took several days to retrieve the trailer, which was the direct result of this driver's reluctance to communicate with our company. Would strongly recommend not proceeding with employing this driver.
  15. The driver doesn't speak good English and said that he understood everything, we send him the offers and explain everything 2-3 times even. After the whole hiring process, he realized that our company is located in Chicago, IL, and said that will not come because he wanted a job in Pennsylvania.
  16. Do not waste your time and money. Driver used our flight ticket, showed up, and then found excuses to leave. First agreed on everything over the phone and then started putting his own conditions upon arrival - such as brand new truck, He was never promised that.
  17. After a little disagreement, we couldn't get any clear communication besides bad words and black mailing, Marco has abended the truck and left a running trailer on the side of the highway. The driver has a horrible and demanding attitude without any respect.
  19. Manipulates, threats other people, discriminates employees, abusive. Never ever hire.
  20. Bought him a ticket and he cancelledthe flight to use the credit for another trip.
  21. He decided to quit the company and asked to take a load to the yard from his home. In the middle of the haul, he stopped and started blackmailing us for money or he won't deliver the load. In other words, he took the equipment and the load hostage while blackmailing us for money. This driver was rolling with us for 2 weeks, constantly lying, being late, and refusing to take most of the loads. In the end, he took our equipment and brokers' load hostage, and in 2 days of blackmailing, he drop the truck at the truck stop and left us with huge problems and losses.
  22. Very irresponsible driver in general and when it comes to operating the truck. Was refusing to add def into the truck as well as the fuel causing the truck collapse. Made a huge damage to the vehicle.
  23. Left the truck in a middle of nowhere with the weekend load inside. He left the keys inside and the drivers door wide open.
  24. I wish I did believed the review. Was keeping whole week truck for him plane ticket was bought as well and he did not started really polite btw bid liar
  25. DO NOT HIRE THIS PERSON! We have been in touch with him for over a month and were holding a truck for him since he was having a newborn. Bought 2 plane tickets, and agreed on 4 dates that he will come. THey guy wasted our time. The first time he didn't fly cuz of a babe, 2nd time he got a flat time on the way to the airport. The guy never left his house and texted us the next morning that he was scammed by a few companies in Chicago that's why he didn't come. DO NOT HIRE THIS GUY OR U WILL REGRET IT !
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