This driver has been working with me for at least year and a half. The reason i didn't fire him much earlier is that i was unexperienced fleet owner in the beginning and he was one of my first drivers. So please pay attention before hiring him. Since he started working for me, he had numerous truck and trailer damages and accidents. He managed to hit a dear 3 times within a few months, hit the dear two times within a 10 days. Drive EXCLUSEVLY only during a night. He is capable to pick up a load early in the morning, park the truck at the nearest truck stop for the entire day till 7,8pm and than drive entire night. Of course late on delivery in 50% of the cases, and if he did have a lot of miles during a night, he will just skip next day working and will sleep over entire day. Damaged the trailer couple of times, had tows, hit the clearance and destroyed the roof on brand new truck and ruined the truck with cigarettes - one pack per night according to him. Will not report issues with the truck until truck completely stops. He is an grown man who will beg and cry like a 6 years old boy to get what he wants, but will not respond the call if its something needed from him, especially if he has done something wrong. After all this time having him as an employee, i don't think there is any profit left from his work. Once he is in the truck, he will work but will be huge pain in the ass and a headache.