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Everything posted by FreightPro

  1. DO NOT HIRE !!! Late for many appointments, passing by his house every time. Complete a pickup and QUIT right after, left loaded trailer.
  2. Joshua was scheduled to pick up the truck on Friday. On the pick up of his first load that was to bring him back home for the funeral he made a $1000+ damage to the trailer. He was instructed to come back to the yard and change the trailer. Once he was in the yard, he started arguing with one of our managers and he then got in the truck and drove (run away with the truck) without authorization. He unplugged the GPS and left the truck unlocked and unattended, stole the tablet, mount, fuel card, truck binder and the key. DO NOT HIRE!!!
  3. Stay away. Not for hire. Drove 1200 miles to his house. And stole the power inverter and the device for force regen.
  4. Very problematic person he and his girl friend or wife Heather Thorpe. They drove one week and complain about new truck how is not working. They got violation right away , ruined the load and of course is not their fault because they think they are perfect and know everything. On beginning we told them money will be on their account on friday during the day and they calling us on friday how money is still not there and how they returning the truck with load because they dont want to drive(of course money came on account at 5Pm-we can show the proof of msg). Also, not to mention how they love to threat.There is a lot of more but not worth it to talk about them.
  5. Driver abandoned truck, and loaded trailer, blocked our calls and called the broker to let him know he doesn't work for the company any longer. After only 2 months the inside of the truck was left an absolutely mess.
  6. subLeased the Ryder truck and the trailer under our company , stayed home for over a month kept saying that will go on the road next week, but never went out on the road. Instead sued our truck and trailer to pull under some other company with no permision at all and then left in Viriginia where he lives. Ended up to owing us for Ryder truck and trailer, insurance etc... over 10k. Absolutely do not recomment to hire this dishonest and lying prick driver. Stay away~!
  7. Quit Under Dispatch
  8. Be aware. This driver is mentally not stable. He worked for us for 3 days. We spent lots of money just to bring him to the company. Late to his first delivery. Never happy, starts screaming for no reason. Being mean and calling everybody names. Late to his 1 st delivery. late to his 2 nd delivery. Never delivered 2 nd load. Left truck and trailer in another state. Something triggered him because he went crazy on a second load. Checked him self in the hospital. Sent us videos and text massages from hospital claiming that is he sick and we should get there and fire him . Police pulled him over afterwards and he was blaming us for that. Sent lots of treats and mean messages. Good luck if you decide to hire him.
  9. The worst driver ever, Flight to the yard and we told him that it's gonna take couple days until we get the truck, he said that's fine, after 2 days when the truck was ready, we tried to call him but he didn't answer the phone, check at hotel but the front desk told us he was out after one night and we pay for hotel. So don't trust this driver, because he is the layer. You just gonna lose the money for flight tickets and Uber.
  10. Driver abandoned the job and He made up a story saying his grandma was in the hospital and he had to go. We got a VOE a couple days later. Spent the whole month in the shop kept saying there was something wrong with the truck when mechanics found no issues at all. WASTE OF A HIRE SO HORE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!
  11. Stay away from this driver – that would be my advice. He drove as a team with his friend Lawrence Jamal Dockery as a co-driver. The driver is very dishonest and extremely irresponsible He is always late and the dispatcher can never get a hold of him. On top of this, he abandoned our equipment in GA (although he promised us to never do this which makes him a big liar) and stopped responding altogether.
  12. This is a book example of a bad driver. On his very first load he got into argument with costumer for using racial slur. Few weeks later he got into another argument with costumer regard mask mandate. At least once a week he is late either for PU or DEL... Finally he just stopped taking our calls, and went AWOL... it took us few days to locate him in Florida using our truck as his mobile home..... STAY AWAY FROM THIS GUY (See attached images on the conditions he left our truck in)
  13. Since day one overall very polite, don't have any patient, harassing with her message all office and her dispatch. Searching for truck issues to be paid for broke down . Late to deliveries and then asking for layover....making no more then 200 miles daily, All the time when you try to comunicate with her is impossible she just starts to lash out . Probably has some mental issues.
  14. He didn't even start, asking for cash advances. Had a problems at home constantly, stopped working after couple of days. He was black mailing company leaving the truck if we don't buy him a ticket going back home. After deducting ticket price from the check, threating he will report company to FMCSA.
  15. came to orientation, got a load and went to Louisville to get some stuff for the truck.... then disappeared under load,avoid !
  16. Avoid . Driving with passanger late for all most every load. Always cash ADV and always short on $$$.
  17. A man who has bipolar, he drove in our company for 2 months. He called and complained every day. from safty department, dispatch, manager. He has a lot of experience but creates a lot of pressure. He sent ugly messages, in the end he left the truck where he wanted and stole 2 mattresses from the truck. And he damaged the load where we had to pay $ 2,500. I wouldn't recommend him to anyone!
  18. Was scheduled for orientation and Drug Screening. Did not show up for the flight and never answered the phone after.
  19. abandoned the truck on the side of the road in transit of the second load.
  20. The bigest waste of time and money. I would stay away from this lair.
  21. DO NOT Hire this schyco!!! Stay away from him.
  22. Has experience. Quit the job. Later we received few liability claims from third parties because of the damage this driver did to other trucks, shippers and receivers. Irresponsible. Do not hire this driver if you do not want damages. Finally, he left the truck in a different state than our yard. Was lying that has family issues and will start soon but was just wasting the time. Truck and trailer came back to the yard with unreported damages. Trying to outsmart the company.
  23. Said he is going home for Christmas in Arizona (our terminal is in Illinois). We let him stay home for 3 weeks before he told us he got diabetes and cannot drive anymore. His doctor told him he cannot drive even a small car because he has diabetes. I know and have multiple drivers with diabetes and they are doing just fine. He is just a liar. Abandoned our truck in AZ.
  24. Lazy person, don't like to work. Don't waste your time on him.
  25. This is one of the worst hire we had in little while, she doesn't know how to use ELD, did not know how to lift the trailer up and when we tried to work with her she end up holding the truck and trailer hostage and did not want to give our keys back, we had to call policy, and even police said she is very hostile. We do not recommend hiring her, she is very bad driver.
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