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Everything posted by Truckin1

  1. He wanted to work with us, he got the job and after that he was not ready. Really complicated person to work with. Only problems with him. Recommend you to avoid him.
  2. DO NOT HIRE! Driver applied, filled out the application, clearinghouse, did drug test. We purchased a flight ticket for him and called him to confirm day before flight, he said everything is ok. He ghosted us whole day and when we called from different phone number he didn't even know which company are we calling from, even when we said our name and explained everything.
  3. Worked for 3 weeks. Abandoned the truck. Don't waste your time.
  4. Stay away from this guy. He’s doing some shady work. Unauthorized use of equipment. Disconnecting eld doing 300-400 miles for his own purposes. STAY AWAY
  5. The worst driver ever, I did a pre employment verification and the previous trucking company that he worked for warned me NOT to hire him because he did not communicate with them and left them stranded without notice, I did not listed and here I write this review, he did the exact same thing with us, we made a big mistake working with him :( Avoid al all the cost, you better stay with a truck in your yard instead of having to deal with him, as soon as you will hire him your life will become miserable. Remember my words.
  6. Despite there being an active lease contract, the driver left the truck unattended and it was subsequently towed.
  7. He was leasing the truck in our company for some time and he always had some financial problems. We helped him with everything, paused payments, and deductions, and always took care of him. We always treated him like family because we thought he was a part of us. In the end, he abandoned the truck, lied about having cancer, and lost his CDL because of it. When we recovered the truck, not he only abandoned the truck, but he stole the equipment and fuel from us and blocked our number. He is a man without any honor and capable of lying about everything. He takes everything for granted and treated us like shit. We lost a lot of patience, money, and time on him. Please save yourself and don't hire him. He seems nice in the beginning but in the end just a bad man who looks only for himself and doesn't care about anyone or anything.
  8. worked with us for less than 2 months, always late, always tired, can barely drive 8 hours per day, always complaining about everything. abandoned truck and trailer and went to work for another company
  9. At first, she sounds nice, but she's absolutely crazy. She came to the office, did the paperwork, took a small cash advance, and disappeared. Also stole a tablet! Don't give her any money up front!!!!
  10. This driver was interested in working for us, he was eager to start. I bought the airplane ticket, he first said he was late to the airport the first time he missed his flight. He said there was traffic. He confirmed that he was interested and wants to come to our company. I got him another flight ticket. The night before the driver that referred him told me to check on Fernando because he is saying now that he wants to do local not OTR. I called Fernando and he tells me that he just did his taxes and that he does not want to pay a lot in taxes with us at 1099. This is after talking to him for a month. He knows everything about our company. This man wasted my time and company money. Be very careful recruiting this guy.
  11. Was recruited to come work at our company, disappeared at the day when he was suppose to arrive, showed up in the office a week later unannounced and had to be asked multiple times to start picking up the phone to our recruiter, later explained he went to another company but got kicked out and so he came to us, was very rude and agitated
  12. The driver didn’t want to leave the truck. We unplugged the batteries, but he called mechanic on his own, and the mechanic fixed it without our knowledge. Be aware about this driver, he is going to do everything to not give you truck back. DON’T HIRE THIS DRIVER !!!
  13. Mr. Tashib is a HIGH RISK hire to say the least.... we missed in his background check that he was arrested with marihuana, money and an illegal gun in 2020. He and his brother/cousin Jrevon Anderson started working for us... two weeks in, got pulled over in SD for flat tire, and then state trooper found marihuana on Mr. Tashib... he got arrested and we ended up with Controlled Substances Violation on our FMCSA record. DO NOT HIRE!
  14. He was supossed to come to work for us, very resposnsive on messages and calls but after we bought him plane ticket he stop answering
  15. The driver applied several times and stops answering at different stages of the hiring process. Make sure he is 100% ready to start with you before hiring him!
  16. The driver hit a loaded trailer without telling anyone. Then he left the trailer at the yard and disappeared over the weekend.
  17. This guys is full of shit. He applied with us and his application had companies where he says that he left because his son passed away in 2019, then I saw here a company posted he lied that his son passed away like 2 weeks ago.... I called him and asked about it and he said his son passed away in 2019 by strangling, and to the company online he said he passed away by car accident... He told me on the phone that he has a beautiful wife home and wants to go home every 3 weeks. And later when I asked him about his death in family he told him his wife passed away 2 weeks ago.... :-o - it's incredible, what stuff people would lie onto... just beyond my comprehension
  18. First thing he will do is to remove the speed limit on the truck. He will drive it 80mph on average. He will chose designation where he wants to drive. He said he doesn’t want to go to East Coast. But, follow up question should be what you consider East Coast. Anything East of Ohio for him. He doesn’t want to go through big cities….so many demands and wishes. Plus he becomes unbearable real quick and than he starts to demand his pay instantly. Zero respect for any kind of rules or policies or dispatch. When He goes home - good luck getting him back on the road. He will demand for company to change the fuel card if he doesn’t like it. He will threaten with IRS and FBI when you fire him. And you will. He will blame his old injuries on your company and try to file for workers compensation. He doesn’t want to work as an employee only as contractor so he can get the leverage he wants. There is so many issues with this guy, unbelievable.
  19. Extremely rude , insubordinate with poor performance. Constant complaints from his dispatcher. Not hirable , Breach of Contract, Insubordinate , Rude , Lazy
  20. Don’t waste your time and money on this guy.
  21. Very unreliable and unpredictable driver. Abandons and damages equipment.
  22. Abandoned loaded trailer at his home town. Refusing to deliver and lying that he is at the hospital. AVOID!!!
  23. Took the truck and used it to haul his personal loads and then stole the truck.
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